Message received from c-cex :
The following coins will be removed on February, 10th if their average trading volume for the last week has not exceeded 0.1 BTC/day:
Abundance [ABC2], AidBit [AID], Snowballs [BALLS], GlobalBoost-Y [BSTY], BitMiles [BTMI], CataloniaCoin [CATC], X-Children [CHILD], CheckCoin [CKC], CzechCrownCoin [CZC], DigitalPrice [DP], DayTraderCoin [DTC], EthereumDark [ETD], EventToken [EVENT], FindYouCoin [FIND], Plankton [FOOD], GamerholicCoin [GHC], GIMPcoin [GIMP], HTMLCoin [HTML5], KingdomCoin [KING], Kryptonite [KRYP], LFTCCoin [LFTC], MalibuCoin [MAL], MetalCoin [METAL], MewnCoin [MEWN], Magnetz [MGT], MasterCoin [MSC], NiceCoin [NIC], NewWorldOrderCoin [NWO], NXT [NXT], Opal [OPAL], PeleStock [PLCS], PROZ [PROZ], PesetaCoin [PTC], QibuckCoin [QBK], QuickSilver [QSLV], PotatoCoin [SPUDS], SquallCoin [SQC], Stable [STB], Unitus [UIS], RhinoCoin [XRC], ServX [XSX], ZeroVert [ZER].
Please, withdraw, trade or sell these coins before February, 10th after which retrieval of any remaining balances for these coins will not be possible anymore.
Look like a bad news.
Looks like you're in the wrong thread
XMG is not in the list.