I spent a lot of time trying to set the right myminer.bat, but whatever I try, it does not connect to the pool. Could you please provide a clear example of what to fill out in what position?
I.e. to login on suprnova I use my emailaddress, not the username. What and where to fill out in the .bat file?
Ah right - a little confusion here which is probably my fault. In the Myminer.bat file you should use your pool account username, not your email address. You will have chosen this username when you signed up to the pool. When you have logged into the pool web site with your email address, it shows your username at the top right of the web site.
Be careful when editing the Myminer.bat file directly. If you really screw it up, it can be rebuilt easily using Setup.bat so no worries.
For jawitech ... the numbers (parameters #8 and #9 passed to automine.bat) after the stratum pool addresses control the windowing display and a time interval. The number of minerd instances is controlled by parameter #3 and is set to the number of processor cores in your computer by default, but making this parameter a blank (i.e. "") or zero is also valid and just means that the automine.bat will assume you want the same number of minerd instances running as the number of processor cores you have.
I just read that back and now I'm confused too
It all made sense at the time ....