Based on that, and using an Amazon AWS 8-core instance at ~62 khash/s as a reference, this equates to approximately 12500 cores running on the network. It's likely that the top few miners on suprnova are using AWS instances, between 100-250 instances to give 6-15 MH. Assuming they are using spot rates of 0.065c per hour, and with a return of approx 500 XMG / MH / day (3000 coins a day for 6MH) ,and a BTC price of $420, the break-even selling price would be approximately 0.00012 XMG/BTC.
With buys on cryptoine significantly below this, and with little volume anyway, this is not even close to being profitable to mine with rented hardware. This is a positive thing in some respects, but as soon as these miners realise this and drop out, difficulty will drop significantly and so will rewards. The coin distribution rate overall should not be affected as the diff/reward ratio is linear, but this reinforces my point that I posted yesterday that the diff/reward ratio is too low to support the desired mint rate. You're not going to get to 500/block because diff wont rise enough because not enough miners will join the network using VPS's as it is not profitable
Anyway, thought you would want some further feedback.
Paul, thanks for the info. I think the scheduled test may not be necessary; I've been reviewing people's hash rate too and some of my data, all seem to be reasonably consistent. I agree with you about the block rewards too low. Since pool mining is up and running, we now can fulfill the plan increasing mining rewards, while with some smart thinking before simply increasing the rewards.
@miners, should small or big miners be excited about this news? Let's see; however, this is absolutely good news to pool owners.