u can easy dedect such copycoins if they only split endless and never start to merge and users have to merge manually
this is bad configured POS in coin code mostly seen in copycoins
one part that lead to many copycoins have this not configured proper is a code comment that read "dont touch this"
and any copycoin coder did this didnt touch this line and fucked up his coin POS behavior
its not like PPC and NVC the first two POS coins and sunny king its creator wanted to make it easy copy their POS
and so they leave their traps in their code that many copycoin coder did fall in
Well, truthfully this section really shouldn't be touched, and merging staking should be disabled. Imagine one owns 25% + 25% coins in two lines, combining them into a single line would cause potential attacks. This is why general PoS coins in a small scale can fork that easy.
The thing is that splitting and merging are not part of PoS protocol. Without having them in the protocol is definitely a deficiency of the PoS. It's quite doable for advanced users to modify the code and enable them without a need of hard fork. I'd vote that the so-called cloud staking does this kind of things.
Staking into dust is really a good thing to the healthy of the coin, but of course not good to the wealthy of people.
we talking not about the same things
yes split/merge mechanics are walletside only and not checked by network
yes that is a security disadvantage
still that even more rise the need that the default settings for normal users are optimized in a way
that create a healthy POS enviroment which keep POS difficulty high and make sure chainstaking from one single source is not happening.
this things also can be heavy influenced by the min age max weight options
u are aware of the issues and u are aware that the XMG solution isnt perfect but still way better than many coins with split endless
another possible way to handle POS is like NEXUS solved it by combine it with a trust feature that reward active nodes and which have also mechanism included against chainstaking
many possible paths also possible improve the own branch of POS logic XMG uses
but nothing wrong by look left and right and use the best ideas to improve POS