Hey guys, I see several questions in the last few pages here and thought I'd try to help out a little. First, cryptonit's post a page back explains most everything needed, here's a direct link:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.17764471Second - many wallets show up with false positives for malware scans. Here's a direct link to Virus Totals latest scan results of the wallet:
https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/da02dcf645121778640e90f817a0ef161e3304f30ff3230100ab1fe14e4bb363/analysis/1486619948/That's clean as far as I'm concerned and the Chinese 360 antivirus software has been labeled as malware before so I wouldn't trust it myself.
Third - the current wallet does have a 'warning' at the bottom that says it's a pre-release test build... we know this, it works fine and Joe is currently working on a new version that will remove the warning, just have a little more patience.
A few pointers from my experience - my wallet stakes daily with no issues.
1 Sync the wallet with a new empty wallet.dat file - this will go quicker and without errors.
2 After it is sync'd, swap out the dat file with your wallet that has your coins and it will quickly begin staking.
3 A good rule for block size is to keep your stacks around 1000 - 2500 coins each and you will stake on average once per day per stack. Use coin control to achieve this.
4 Use the conf file to automatically maintain the block sizes for you.
If you have a block of coins with more than 10,000 confirmations, or more than approximately 5 days without staking - it's already losing weight and might not ever stake, resend them back to yourself and start the timer over again. Tiny amounts of coins (or what we call Dust) also may never stake, combine those into larger blocks.
Those of you with blocks of coins above 10k or 15k, if they don't stake within a day, they won't and you should split them up into smaller groups - that's been my experience anyway.
Once you are sync'd, use the magi.conf to automatically manage your wallet and block sizes for you. There's several methods for doing this, here's is mine - it will automatically keep your block sizes between 800 - 2200 coins and those will stake on average once every day.
# Transaction under stake with a value greater than the threshold is being splitted
# Transactions with values less than the threshold will combine into one
Hope that helps.
edit: Also what Jookly said a couple posts above about using coin control - learn how to use it to get the most out of staking and preserving your coin age.