Other machines are running without any problems.
Same OS (Srv 2012 R2) same CPU and mining software (OCminer)
Does anyone know how to fix it?
Are you sure it's the correct miner? This is what you see if you use the real lyra2v2 on zcoin.
Yes. It is the correct miner. I copied the same folder (after make .bat for suprnove and to some server.
I got this error only on one machine.
I had the same issue on a 2008 R2 server earlier. Solution was - don't use that server. Mining it on some 2012 servers right now instead. How am I making diddly squat with over 100 cores mining? Probably because windows, and botnets.
At this point just buy homeboy before it hits bittrex.
Good point but at $5+ a piece I think I'll wait... Should have just rented servers from day 1 like everyone else. Or however the hell they're getting all this hashing power. I think the price of XZC can go higher in time but not without a huge dump occurring first. The current price is not sustainable.