ech i do remember something about an antminer now that you mention it, i don't recall the x11, and i'm with cryptogir on this one, i don't go back and re-read. =p however 40MH x11 is equivalent to 13MH scrypt if i'm not mistaken.
who the hell has time for math in a business like this? all i remember is a number that's high for a bunch of buddies who all wanna throw their hash at an existing pool, but laughably low for a group of schmucks that want to become their own pool. big difference IMO.
anything less than 500 MH scrypt equivalent is just going to black-hole itself. ie. miners slowly accrete into nothingness. once there's one bad day (oops we didn't hit a single block today, today's paying is ZERO) then half the miners leave, wash rinse repeat. you need critical mass. and it's not easy even with a big popular coin, let alone ZS.
but the upward movement looks good on the markets. still no volume, and no buy pressure. if you're looking to buy there's no point in running that sell ramp up to 7500, might as well nibble at 2500.
we let it get too low. waaaay too low. climbing back up is a lot tougher. let's hope the MP helps with that. aslong as we all just hold and wait for it to get to at least the level that it was before the crash.
i imagine you being this 12 year old kid just ranting on the internet being a dick to everybody living in his mothers basement thinking he's the shit, it wouldnt hurt being less negative once in a while dude..lighten up
LOL! yup that's me, nailed it!
and for the record, when i'm not thousand of dollars short because of this coin, i'll lighten up, until then i have a militaristic attitude towards the forward development of this coin. anything that would further hurt this coin i'm going to destroy, we have no place for bullshit anymore. look at the laissez-faire attitude that has gotten this coin to lose %90 of it's value already, that shit won't continue to fly as long as i'm around.
check out my 1-act play i just wrote:
cryptohippy: "hey guys, a good idea for the coin would be to open a multipool that will never find a block, lose people more money, enrage more people, and hurt this coin even further"
slick: "
the end.
survival of the fittest, i dare you to challenge me on the issue at hand and tell me i'm not right.