PENGANTARSeperti yang kita ketahui, republia telah dikembang sejak tahun 2016 dan proyek kami telah usang. Sudah 4 tahun berlalu proyek ini di kembangkan, industri blockchain terus berkembang dan berinovasi setiap detiknya. Misalnya 2016 adalah era ICO dengan memiliki blockchain tersediri, lalu 2017 adalah era ICO ke blockchain Ethereum dengan ERC20 token, dan pada tahun 2018-2019 beralih ke era IEO (initial exchange offering).
Kami menyadari jika proyek kami yang telah di kembangkan di tahun 2016 seperti
Republia Bank, Republia Parking, Republia Rating System, Republia centralized exchange tidak akan di terima oleh komunitas global. Oleh karena itu kami memutuskan untuk menghidupkan kembali proyek ini dengan direksi baru dan membuat ekosistem blockchain yang lebih efektif dimana anda dapat ikut andil dan melakukan penyesuaian, dan saat ini kami melihat prospek pengembangan di pasar DEFI (Decentralized Finance). Kami akan melakukan pengerjaan ulang secara substansial.
Apa yang berubah dari ekosistem republia?
Di hapus:Republia Exchange
Republia Verecity System
Republia Parking
Republia Rating System
AI Protocol Republia Bank
Republia Cloud X (Maybe will be reworked during the work)
RepubliaID (Maybe will be reworked during the work)
Republia Messenger
Dikerjakan ulang:Republia Blockchain
Republia ICO Platform ------> Republia DEFI Platform
Ekosistem saat ini:Republia Blockchain
Republia Defi Platform
Republia Finance
Mengubah Republia Token Economy(Lama) Republia Token Economy:
Total: 400’000’000 RPB
Pre-mining: 60’000’000 RPB
Bank Reserve: 80’000’000 RPB
Available for mining: 260’000’000 RPB
Pre-mining (60’000’000) RPB
Pre-sale (19.75%): 11’850’000 RPB
Public-sale (42.25%): 25’350’000 RPB
Team: (22%): 13’200’000 RPB
Advisors: (8%): 4’800’000 RPB
Bounty: (5%): 3’000’000 RPB
(Baru) Republia Token Economy:
Untuk meningkatkan kualitas sistem Republia DeFI, RPB coin akan di denominasi sebanyak 100 kali. (100:1).
Total: 1'400'000 RPB
Pre-mining: 600'000 RPB
Finance System Reserve: 800'000 RPB
Available for mining: 0 RPB
PENTING! mohon untuk dilakukan secepatnya.Hello komunitas republia, saatnya untuk memverifikasi para user. karena proyek republia telah berlangsung selama 4 tahun, banyak para user telah meninggalkan proyek ini. Oleh karena itu, tim republia perlu memverifikasi dan menyaring pengguna aktif dan tidak aktif.
(3 point user: pre-sale users, Republia Bank parking users and Bounty users.)
Diharapkan semua user untuk mengirimkan pengajuan dan meverifikasi data.
verifikasi di mulai: 05/10/2020
verifikasi berakhir: 10/12/2020
Para user yang tidak mengirimkan pengajuan dan verifikasi data, akan di hapus dari sistem dan tidak akan menerima RPB coin.
Instruksi mengirim lampiran verifikasi data1. Presale user:kirimkan pesan email ke:
[email protected]Email subject: Pre-Sale Republia (Name, Surname)
Content of the letter:
1. First name, last name of the user: ________
2. Citizenship: _______
3. Country, city of residence: ________
4. Email: ________
5. RepubliaID number: ________
6. The number of sent BTC, ETH, MNX or other cryptocurrencies (send
including 7 (seven) decimal places, for example: BTC 0.0000001): ________
7. Address from which BTC, ETH, MNX or other cryptocurrencies were
sent: ________
8. Date and time of dispatch (23/08/2020, 20:01:01): ________
9. Number of RPB coins received: ________
10. ETHEREUM network address (ETH) for which you want to accept
tokens for which you are applying: _________
11. TRON (TRX) network address for which you want to accept the tokens
you are applying for: _______
12. Screenshot from the account where you can see the
total number of coins.
2. Republia Bank Parking System Users:kirimkan pesan email ke:
[email protected]Email subject: Parking Republia (Name, Surname)
Content of the letter:
1. First name, last name of the user: ________
2. Citizenship: _______
3. Country, city of residence: ________
4. Email: ________
5. RepubliaID number: ________
6. The number of RPB coins that were parked in the 1st (first) parking lot:
7. The number of RPB coins that were parked in the last parking lot: ______
8. Number of parking lots during the entire period of operation of the
Republia Parking system (Number): ________
9. Date and time of the first (first) parking (23/08/2020, 20:01:01): ________
10. The number of coins received as a result of the 1st (first) parking (200
RPB): ________
11. Total number of RPB coins received from the Parking system: ________
12. Have you used system vulnerabilities (if yes - the total number of coins
that you think you got after this bug): _________
13. ETHEREUM network address (ETH) for which you want to accept
tokens for which you are applying:
14. TRON (TRX) network address for which you want to accept tokens for
which you are applying:
15. Screenshot from the office where you can see each
parking that has been completed (all pages with parking lots).
3. Bounty Userskirimkan pesan email ke:
[email protected]Email subject: Bounty Republia (Name, Surname)
Content of the letter:
1. First name, last name of the user: ________
2. Citizenship: _______
3. Country, city of residence: ________
4. Email: ________
5. RepubliaID number: ________
6. Total number of coins credited during the Republia Bounty Campaign:
7. Tasks that were completed by you and coins that were awarded for
completing these tasks (Twitter - 200 RPB, Facebook - 300 RPB, etc): ______
8. ETHEREUM network address (ETH) for which you want to accept tokens
for which you are applying:
9. TRON (TRX) network address for which you want to accept tokens for
which you are applying:
10. Screenshot from the account where you can see
how many tasks were completed and how many were charged for these