Hi I'm a member of the Pandacoin (PND) development team. Please don't dish out baseless accusations and group us with the Asiacoin devs without doing any research on our coin or any fact checking. We are in no way affiliated with your community's developers. We pride ourselves as an honest coin with origins that put a stop to Wolong's infamous scam that robbed people of tens of thousands of dollars.
We understand that your community has been badly burnt with this mess that has unfortunately occurred, but understand that Pandacoin (PND) has 0% premine, no IPO, no instamined unfairness or any sorts.
If you are not interested in our compensation offer that is fine, but please do not group us with a group of people that like to make money off innocent people, as that is not who we are.
you have a virus in a wallet
please leave the asia coin forum