I'm not sure how this could possibly be considered good news.
I hate to take a negative tone, but this doesn't really inspire much confidence in seeing a beta or working product anytime soon.
AeroMe drops in october. And if you read the white paper youll see that the platform will provide services that im not seeing a lot of in even bitcoin (payroll service, smartloans, decentralized exchange, auctions). Even if they do compete, theres room for a lot of companies. Coinbase, Bitpay, circle... theyre all raising millions in funding, and currently making money. I can buy a coin, and if the price goes up...then i make money. But with these companies, Theyre making a lot of money regardless of what bitcoin costs.
Really? You know it's coming in October? Based on what? I find the hype and opinion stated as fact a bit concerning. There is a fine line between good promotion and over doing it, IMHO.