we are working on a windows build
once ready we will commence the swap.
Next steps to Upgrade are:
- backup wallet
- Important: copy transaction id's of payments after block 536000 which was mined on september, 2018 before the attack
(we'll create a separate explorer where you can get your post-fork txid's soon)
- Install the new cbtc-btc-zclassic fork update : ...
Source Code
https:github.com/classicbitcoins/cbitcoin- Important: the old blockchain files must be deleted, the new chain only user ~20GB of data and contains all final unspent output before block 536000
which will be used for FORK. Follow this quick guide to bakcup your transaction data
(we plan to launch another explorer for the complete CBTC chain to facilitate a Fair and fast SWAP.)
- import keys, you might not get your coins in your wallet, it just means you received coins after the fork,( we understand this will cause a lot of incovenience, it is the only way to revert the malicious attack on cbtc.)
- move funds to a new address, this should be an address created with the new software. after importing all your funds to a new backed'up address, it is recommended to discard the old wallet.
- start mining ClassicBitcoins with your wallet to secure the network.
- due to the swap we will lose some exchangers and some traders will be affected
we will try complete the swaps of the online exchangers.
- Miners and traders with a valid txid can fill this Form, we will send them a corresponding payout form funds mined a year ago. some traders will also receive their coins back. so we only send payments for txids which have a valid tx-out sum,
While miners of recent blocks will receive equal swap payment, Traders with very large funds received from known exchangers will receive a payment corresponding but not equal to the initial payment. all application will require proof of possession of said private keys by mining or sending cbtc coins with corresponding addresses, we will create a converter to convert ClassicBitcoin Addresses.
for now linux miners can build classicbitcoin wallet
by running the build script
ensure you have the dependencies for bitcoin installed and
the you run the correct berkeleyDB Version. see
https://github.com/ClassicBitcoins/CBitcoin/blob/master/README.md for more information on building ClassicBitcoin