Because I was blocked by empower admins @Telegram while trying to get important answers I had more time to read info in internet and I found that many people think that emopwer is a scam.
If you follow empower @Telegram you can see that some questions are being deleted (hidden away).
Like most of the users I was lured by amazing phrases like:
"Record-Breaking Airdrop"
“Airdropping our entire initial supply of coins""empowr will distribute 500 million free tokens to ethereum wallet holders" 100 percent of initial coin supply to be delivered to the people for free beginning on Tax Day, April 20I participated in that "Tax day" and what I saw was:
1) empowr took a considerable portion of coins from initial coin supply and started selling them to the whole world @Token store 1~4$/coin. This means for free?;
2) Airdrop started 1-2 days later when coin price dropped and only then community was informed what each wallet who met 0,1 eth condition befor Tax Day will receive 1 coin/wallet (at the moment price droped to ~0,3 - 0,4$). seeing activity on Tax Day @Token store and seeing how it's 1 coin Airdrop going we can guess that the participants were about 5,000. Is this Record-Breaking Airdrop? Or maybe another way to make a profit?
At this moment only top 40 Token holders has >100 tokens and main contract address still has 99.957% (499'785'002) of total coins. Medejas,
As stated in the whitepaper, empowr's token distribution event consists of 100% of the initial supply of 500M coins to be given away for free in the airdrop and bounty program.
The official airdrop began on Friday, April 20, where 1 coin is currently being deposited into the Ethereum wallets of anyone with .1 ETH at the time of the launch. This process is still ongoing and is expected to take weeks or even months to complete.
Additionally, all participants in the airdrop have 50 coins allocated to them within their empowr accounts which they can use to shop with inside the empowr marketplace and then ultimately transfer them into their Ethereum wallets once they fully mature.
Each month, beginning May 1st, the empowr smart contract will release a shrinking number of coins to the empowr marketing engine, which will be used to generate demand for the coin.
Demand is generated in a number of ways, including compensating empowr users for posting, sharing, selling, etc. within empowr, as well as the selling of newly minted coins to those that wish to purchase empowr coins. All proceeds from the sale of empowr coins will then go towards marketing to further drive demand for the currency.
To be clear:
1) There is more than the initial 500M of coins that will exist - we are selling portions of the future coins that will begin being minted in May and beyond.
2) Every person in the airdrop is receiving 51 free coins (1 to their blockchain wallet and 50 to their empowr wallet). The current value of those coins is ~$20.
The process of the airdrop will take many weeks and months to complete - but eventually all 500M will be given away for free as we have stated. The process simply began on April 20th.
Hope that helps answer your questions - if you have further doubts, we would be happy to address them here.