Is there a bootstrap available; can't seem to get synced on the correct chain. Usually stuck in the 23k'ish block section and have started over several times.
Added the nodes in the conf file as mentioned a few posts up. Any other tricks I can perform?
Look at in Blockexplorer, there is a peerlist.
Copy that to your conf, plus „listen=0“. Stop node, delete all files in walletfolder, except the wallet.dat.
Start ams new to resync. After that, you are on the right chain. After that, you can stop wallet, remove „listen“ in conf and restart wallet.
Tried your suggestion but ended up at the same block. Picked one node that was on the right chain and re-did the sync with the listen=0 and only 1 node in the conf file.
Got back on the right chain; thanks!
how did you come about?
give advice, I can not do!
The instructions are correct --here is the step by step.
1. Open your Amsterdam wallet ver 4.1.0
2. click on Tools -> "Peers" - wait for the peers to show up.
3. then click on the "address/hostname" go through the list - look in right pane for "Starting height, sync height"
4. Compare this with the current block in - write down the address that shows the correct block.
5. Close the Amsterdam wallet.
6. now go to the folder C:\Users\(user name)\AppData\Roaming\AmsterdamCoin -- this is for windows 10 -- this works for both linux and windows, file path is just different
7. Confirm this is the correct folder - you should see "Chainstate, Blocks, Amsterdam.conf"
8. Delete all files and folders making sure you do not touch **** Wallet.dat / Amsterdam.conf / masternode.conf - same for linux
9. Make a copy of the amsterdam.conf - edit the orginal file
9. Now edit the amsterdam.conf file to addnode=(the IP address you wrote down with :50020)
10. change listen=0 - save file
11. Run the Amsterdamn wallet, wait for it to completely sync, close wallet, delete amsterdam.conf and rename copied version to amsterdam.conf
And please don't use giga hash mining on AMS - the difficulty is too low and the chain breaks. Look at total network hash before blasting it.
what if none of the addresses show the correct block? They are all behind in my wallet...some of them by alot.