At this point doubt the success.
Everyone saying "who isn't going to claim their free $$$$" the market cap doesn't show how much money is IN the coin, just it's value which look crackers because of pumpers. The actual level of trade is pathetic at the moment.
Everyone in Iceland is going to be given half of this coin (taking there isn't any ways whatsoever for the maker to nab some) ... which means all of them (every ID) will have 30 coins. Now these coins will be worth nothing compared to their fiat on arrival, 30 coins won't cover their personal assets. If the currency was to scale the richer folk and businesses in Iceland would have to buy up the aurora coin and competitively as the prices raise.
If they'd have set a later date for this drop until later in the year, so small trading can begin and start being accepted in remote locations in iceland... Until the coin is usable enough for the population to care.
Is the whole of Iceland going to exchange all of their fiat money across seas (unheard of levels of capital flight) for bitcoin (volatile) to buy aurora coins (volatile and made in panama) to use in all their shops which as of march still won't have capabilities to deal with this currency. Entrust the future of the Icelandic economy basically to the developer from Panama which I haven't seen a picture of or interview with.
Wandering what the backlash is if a bunch of wealthier folks in iceland buy into it early worried that their fiat wealth will be quashed and be left with 30 AUR like all the others around them.... for the airdrop to be an airdump. If there any confirmation or proof regarding this airdrop? It's a great idea, national ID system etc, of course introducing in this way is probably the worst method... ie from some dev in another country and no cooperation with the government. It's going to be a free-for-all, if it is going to be anything.
What's to stop corruption inside this ID system - employees faking IDs/stealing IDs... what about the list of missing people, homeless people, handicapped people... what about their IDs???
What is to stop people blagging or stealing or intimidating others to hand over their worth less 30 coins on mass arrival
I know there is a lot to argue but at the end of the day this was a Litecoin clone aimed at Iceland, just a target people can get sucked into because of their fiat history. Unless I'm wrong, that won't be solved by flinging their assets at a logo basically. It could be any coin, any coin could try do this system, it's just going by their interests but the people of Iceland probably trust their government for a cryptocurrency more than mr. faceless Panama Dev. It might inspire their government to create their cryptocurrency.
Would make sense except for the fact it's opensource and it's easier for a government to audit pre-existing code rather than to generate new code.