What is the reason the for the slowing down?I want to share a hypothesis. I stared at this table for a while:
https://aur.cryptocoins.at/explorer/chain/auroracoinand then I tried a correlation:
some averages and correlation coefficients (correlation between number-of-transactions and block time) over the last 25, 50, 100, 200 and 500 blocks:
First I thought the correlation came from block 5380 (needed 707 minutes, contains 750 tx) - but when I excluded that block, the correlation coefficient became even more extreme.
To me it looks as if
* there is a correlation between the number of transactions, and the minutes needed to generate a valid block,
* and this correlation has become stronger since yesterday.
N.B.: Correlation is not causation. The slowing down can have many reasons. I just saw this pattern in the data.
EDIT:Of course,
the slower the blocks, the more transactions per block
(if a constant number of tx per time were sent by users).
... and that is where the correlation mainly comes from, I guess.
Still, I plotted this diagram, which shows the accumulated transactions in the last 500 blocks, plotted over the minutes:
It shows how much more transactions are sent since the airdrop.
The vertical "25.3.2014 1:12" was the first block after midnight (block 5259)