Fake phone number, fake address in the UK. They do not have an office there: Kemp House, 160 City Road, London EC1V 2NX
It costs around 100 EURO a year to get permission to use that address as a company mailing address and that address is shared by many companies: https://yourvirtualofficelondon.co.uk/
According to this link there are over 1000 companies that have used the same address as a "mailing address" but have never actually existed there, it just looks nice to put on websites and company documents to fool people in to thinking they are a big company with an office in London, UK: http://www.ukaddressbook.uk/a/kemp-house-152-160-city-road-london-ec1v-2nx
So no defence provided by the sock-puppet team that are pumping Spectrocoin/Bankera: