To those who say BeliCoin is dead. You are so wrong. It is only starting to move. The main idea of the BeliCoin is to gather new blood miners out of Anime fans with the help of pre-existing miners like us. What we do is promote the coin, share the opportunity with them to earn funds via BeliCoins and encourage them to support BeliCoins either via mining or direct purchasing of the coin as an investment. In case you are not aware. The main target market of the BeliCoin is not the miner world. As we know it is already too full of miners who don't care about their coins and only care about mining and dumping immediately. That is why the BeliCoin has chosen to build its community around anime fans and miners alike.
The original designer of the coin "Faith" is still around. He's just busy running around trying to get the coin incorporated into stores and games.
The original Developer of the coin a good friend of Faith's is also still around. Just monitoring the things happening around the coin and studying new and innovative ways to improve the coin.
The original marketing team are still pretty much active. I for example take on the role of marketing in facebook. Via pages that I manage which I directly link up to the BeliCoin fan page. I also provide basic tutorials and how to guides and visual aides for total beginners, since we have started to get anime fans to finally notice the coin and start mining. The mere fact that the people working on the BeliCoin are quite busy these past few days means the coin is still very much alive and is still on the path of growth.
Now if you will ask why we could barely post updates. That's because our team is not that big. We only have a handful of people. But despite that we are working our asses off to give you a growing coin you can bank on.
Latest News about BeliCoin:
Great News!!! BELIcoin has been added to Bittrex and is now open for trading. We would like thank all everyone for your full support!!!
https://bittrex.comMintpal may still be a long way but a vote today won't hurt. And it would definitely get us closer to getting into Mintpal. So show your love by sharing your vote there as well. also have a new GiveAway event. Please follow the link below for full details:,1324.0.htmlYeah I agree with the faucets. Although I only got to use one of them.
We will be posting more updates in the coming days! BeliCoin is very much alive and kicking! Support Your BELIcoin! And happy mining everyone!