I have been able to find 2 working exchanges that I didn't know exist yet, because of them doing what any business person would have done by taking advantage of a prime time to highlight how they work their end better. I have read more updates about their 2 sites in the last 24 hours of their runtime, then I have in the past week of CoinEx's downtime. At this time I'd personally prefer to read people trying to present their sites and what integrity they attempt to bring to it, rather than some 2 cent lie from Erundook.
This thread is about coinex and I do not give a shit about you looking for new exchange or vultures preying for new clients.
Keep it on fucking topic.
This thread is not about exchanges but about one particular so stop creating diversions and hijacking thread.
The original post that our replies refer to was about CoinEx too, or did you not take the time to read it? He was asking for transparancy just like everyone else. Yes he used his own site as an example, and how he handles similar situations... At this point, Erundook needs those examples, because he isn't showing me shit yet!!!
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, every thread gets off topic at some point.... get over it... or go create your own nazi-controlled forum board.