What benefits does it offer for an average online shopper? For instance, being a bitcoin believer, I wouldn't want to use my debit/credit to purchase anything from a crypto project. Do you have an option to let me pay using just crypto?
Crypto cashback rewards are paid out once per quarter directly to your specified crypto wallet address. You can change the coin that you would like to be paid in at any time before your next payout date.
Quarterly is a big gap. Not many people would like to wait this long.
First, you will never use your debit or credit card to purchase anything from Coinbates. All of the purchases happen on the merchants' websites. So as a bitcoin believer you now have another way to get BTC, and for the average online shopper, now they have a way to dip their feet into crypto while getting a discount on a purchase at the same time! A recent Gallup poll showed that 70% of Americans have heard of crypto and the majority of them believe that crypto will continue to rise in value, and yet only 5% stated they planned to buy any crypto. Why would that be the case? Because the barrier to adoption of crypto is still quite high, and that's where we come in, to lower the barrier with our frictionless and riskfree entryway into crypto.
Second, Ebates has been paying out fiat cashback quarterly to millions of Americans for the past 20 years, so that would be enough to nullify your claim that 'not many people would like to wait this long'. That being said, we will work to compete with even Ebates on the payout time, it is a consideration of ours in improving the user experience of our flagship product.