No, it is well intentioned. Rare ( 100,000 coins ) However may even be more rare with 47,000 not taken in IPO and second IPO they look like they are being destroyed.... so total of 53,000 coins.... all pre-mined and distributed....
UNO is 250,000 coins and PMC is 499,000 coins.... it is a similar idea ( Rarity ) with a slightly different distribution model....
Unlike UNO and PMC however there are future features planned for XBC such as a POS wallet and multipool support @ Hashcows
( UNO, being mineable does not have a multipool, PMC actually does @ Hashcows )
Also XBC development is not just a single person but rather a team of XBC holders who are financially invested...
It is another crypto experiment. We have coins with billions of units, and coins with just a few units.... a 53,000 unit coin is somewhere in between.
I personally think a low count coin becomes an investment/trading coin... with increased volatility. This makes it attractive to day traders. But be prepared for the ride
The high count coins like Doge are easier for people to 'spend' so they are probably better currency coins...
But time will tell...
As far as being a 'scam' coin... Poloniex is behind this one, and Busoni would not back a scam coin...