I have stated before you are jumping the gun quite a bit with this otherwise excellent project: Timing is horrible. And your preparation, not having the platform ready to be seen and tested, is just inappropriate.
If I were to give you advice, I'd shelve the ICO, go back to the drawing board, apply the lessons learned and come back at a more appropriate time... just like IPOs do in the regular stock market. Proceeding ahead, as I have stated before, is setting yourselves up for a big disappointment.
I sense Jay is a ticking bomb and some of you are engaging inappropriately and dangerously for your image. But hey, it's your project, It would be just sad to see it damaged by stooping to unnecessary levels.
I hear you again Barabbas. Extremely rational and sensible. Please be patient. Like I told you earlier. We have other options
I do indeed (like it). As a first step. Bergstake has to be explained simply and understandably and a working platform (at least for poker) needs to be made available for testing. If I undrrstand correctly, traditional mining is thus completely eliminated, right?