Man, I hope they don't mess with it too much! I really don't see how it can get any better than it already is right now....what more can we ask for? It runs beautifully! I truly haven't used a smoother running client....this is my sleeper coin <--- I try very hard not to hype it because I'm collecting BSD at a slow but steady pace ---> it's a strong has some legs underneath it. The client's great --->don't tweek it too much--->solicit markets instead or something.
I am amused about your really kind posting. Yes, in fact, its also for us coremembers sometimes very hard, to see our project flourishing. We would buy tons more of our own coin, but of course, we need the wide adoption, to reach the masses. It would be very unfair, to only hype...
We are hard working and maintaining the Bitsend for the masses.
In the time, where I came in this project, Bitsend was also at this time always a sleeper. Only the slack had only 10 members; now we reached over 636 members. Awesome members like lauda, darkjon, cryptonit, Szenekonzept, many many hidden unknown ppl (buyers, traders, investors) and more jumped on the bitsend train to help this coin increasing.
Every developments there is ultra stable and well tested. Chris and his dev-staff are really working very hard and wise.
So I am sure, the basement is here. What we need is more acceptance in the community. We have some marketingbags for even paying ppl to help us. Let us know, where you know ppl, who can developing stuff, creating onepages and so on... We need everyone; even the guy, who is buying 10 bsd per month.