guys someting is wrong here now
i checked back too see what is going on with this coin, and i see issue with nicehsah attack....... but now seems like chain split :|
on and are new blocks coming in! but not on other pools e.g or my wallet is not syncing ! error invalid block version - something not wright here
and when you check a block in block explorer - it says
version 4.0 ( it was 3.0. in the past no ?)
BUT then i see new version on github
1.2 HARD FORK !!!why devs did a hard fork and not tell us here ?! poeple keep mining wrong version ...
again very bad commuincation
seems like devs trying to make this coin a bit beter but if the commuincation is bad this will never be good......
and devs still
never andwered on the 40 % premine right ??...
one time bad coin , always bad coin
guys you wasting an opportunitiy with this behavor
editi check on github what they did for nicehash problem
1) lwma algoritm
2) something new i dont know - looks like it taks current timestamp also , and dificulty can go down without a block !
// Detect an emergency situation in the network (stuck)
// Weighted average of last (window / 10) blocks plus time since last block is more than 25x the target => something must be wrong
double_t emergencySTAvg = emergencyWST / emergencyWSTCounter;
double_t emergencyRatio = emergencySTAvg / (c_difficultyTarget * 25.0);
if (emergencyRatio > 1) {
// Try correcting by reducing diff in a controlled manner
// Once the avg. reached 100x target, the difficulty will be reduced to ~0.45% of its original value and stay this way
double_t x = (emergencyRatio - 1) / 3;
if (x > 1) x = 1;
double_t factor = (cos(log(boost::math::constants::e() * pow(x, 1.5) * boost::math::constants::pi() + 1) * (4.0 / 3.0)) + 1) / 2.0;
Difficulty adjustedDiff = nextDiff * factor;
if (adjustedDiff < 1) adjustedDiff = 1;
logger(WARNING, BRIGHT_RED) << "Emergency difficulty fix for block " << (blockIndex + 1) << "!!! ts = " << nextBlockTimestamp << ", avg = " << emergencySTAvg << " (of target " << c_difficultyTarget << "), ratio = " << emergencyRatio << ", factor = " << factor << ", origDiff = " << nextDiff << ", adjustedDiff = " << adjustedDiff;
nextDiff = adjustedDiff;
interestng, anybody know what this algoritm is