I like to share an updated version of the Linux C tools. You can download it here:
https://bchain.info/dcct_miner.tgzFirst you need to unpack it:
tar -xvzf dcct_miner.tgz
Then compile it:
of if you use 32-bit Linux:
make linux32
If you really can't compile it use the ones in "bin".
Now you have 3 tools:
The plot merge utilityIf you created your plots with a small stagger size, processing them takes a long time. You might miss your deadline if its found too late!
The merge utility optimizes your already created files making them a lot faster to read.
How to use it?Start it with one parameter, the input file.
./merge plots/1234567890_0_100000_1000
This will read your plotfile and create another one - 1234567890_0_100000_100000 - in your current directory. It now has a stagger size of 100000 which is a LOT better.
When done, delete the input file and put the optimized plot in its directory.
You can now use the optimized file with both the JAVA and the C miner.
This does not work for incomplete plotfiles.
The C plotfile generatorThis tool creates plotfiles. It takes the same parameters as the JAVA plotfile-generator.
Start it like this:
The 32-bit version can handle a stagger size of about 15000, lots more (depending on your memory) with the 64-bit version.
Some recommended stagger sizes:
2GB memory -> 4000
4GB memory -> 8000
8GB memory -> 20000
16GB memory -> 50000
32GB memory -> 100000
It creates a directory "plots" and puts your files there. They exactly match the files generated with the JAVA-Tool and can be used with any miner.
The minerYou want to use your plotfiles to generate coins, this is where the miner is used.
The C version has some advantages:
- It uses almost no memory
- A lot faster, multithreaded
- Can handle multiple plot directories
You first have to create a file called "passphrases.txt" and put your passphrase in it. It supports only one passphrase and uses the files first line.
Avoid spaces before/after your passphrase.
Then start the miner:
For example:
./mine /mnt/disk1/plots /home/user/plots /mnt/usb1/plots
Each directory is read by a separate thread. If you use multiple HDD's try to use one directory per HDD, this is fastest.
The miner creates some nice output:
2872 MB read/11488 GB total/deadline 50134s (49664s left)
New block 8674, basetarget 9388869
2872 MB read/11488 GB total/deadline 21573s (21476s left)
New block 8675, basetarget 9260523
2872 MB read/11488 GB total/deadline 3040s (2823s left)
New block 8676, basetarget 9461804
2872 MB read/11488 GB total/deadline 1122s (1018s left)
New block 8677, basetarget 9502439
When seconds left approach zero, you likely found a block.
If you like it - you can do me a favor and use/spread my blockchain-explorer
http://bchain.info. It does not support BURST unfortunately.
I will test it.