I can't say I think like you do here... For me, I leave my computer on 24/7 no matter what, so having it run the hard drive miner, that doesn't take hardly any extra power at all, is essentially free mining to me.
What you're talking about with mining with fans??? I have no clue what the hell you are talking about there. That isn't ever going to be a thing. It simply doesn't make sense.
Hard drive mining is far from a step backwards, it's the most energy efficient way to mine there is.
people ARE shutting off their rigs. Many many people, ESPECIALLY GPU. Almost everyone I know that was a GPU miner, has either turned their rigs completely off, or kept a few running with nvidia cards, or kept a few running just because... but people mining for instant profit, with GPUs are pretty much completely out of the game. Mining with GPU is so power hungry compared to this hard drive mining, it's not even funny...
But yea, I'm glad you invested in the coin, but if you really feel it's a step backwards, maybe you should have checked it out BEFORE you bought...
I will gladly buy your whole stock of coins right now for 350 sats. Get you out and you can never look back.
BURST power! lol.