813001081025XXXXXX_400001_253921_8191 / 66.6 Go
813001081025XXXXXX_645732_253923_8191 / 68.7 Go
813001081025XXXXXX_899654_1015685_8191 / 268.4 Go
813001081025XXXXXX_1915339_1015684_8191 / 266.3 Go
813001081025XXXXXX_2922833_2031616_4096 / generating
I have make this conf, but i think it's not good! Find only 4 in 4 days?
Can someone tell me if my conf is good or not?
With my laptop and 571GB found 3 in 4 days, so i think it's good! Difficulty is rising!
If you want to see if they overlap, go to https://bchain.info/BURST/tools/overlap and paste the plots name!
Thanks for info!
I have this result :
8130010810251XXXX_899654_1015685_8191: Number of nonces (1015685) is not a multiple of stagger size (8191)
Plots 813001081025XXXXX_1915339_1015684_8191 and 8130010810251XXXXX_2922833_2031616_4096 overlap (8190 nonces)
I need to delete some plot and restart or i can stay like that?