Those points look like more than 500gb ? I don't understand the plot numbers quite yet how much space should this acquire? What happens if you run out of space it just mines with the space it used?
If you're trying to fill a 500gb hdd, try 1843200. That'll do 450gb, then you can see how much farther you want to go from there.
I don't know if this has been ask, but what is the preferred file format for this to run optimally? ie. NTFS, EXT(2/3/4),FAT32, etc....
Wouldn't it be best to use maximum disk capacity of 80~85% of the disk? Because Windows will allocate a portion all ready for is MBR and other NTFS operations. ie. 500GB at 85% is 425GB....
Would this run ok if ran in a disk array of RAID0 to have a larger plot size? Since plot size dictates the hashrate.....