Check, there the reward recip is built in, under the little cog top right. Catbref did it, and i believe made a github pull....dunno what happened thereafter.
Very nice. just checked it out. That site should be very easy for a new user to get up and running, just tested it out and it is really easy to use and start using burst within seconds. Having the new option crowetic is introducing will be a nice alternative along with that AIO wallet. It has come a long way over the last year with solutions like this. I just do not see how it will be able to compete with up and coming solutions like Storj/SIA/maidsafe will make Burst a thing of the past.
I have had the standard wallet in use since Burst started so didn't bother switching, I can give it one thing it is super stable. It can run for a month without crashing, I wish some of these features you are introducing did make it in to the standard wallet or at least save time for the Dev to focus on other things. I have not lost all hope for Burst........yet .