A roadmap for
1. Technological goals and priorities (core development)
2. Software plans, ongoing and future
3. Promotional goals and priorities
Ideally, along with each step on the roadmap(s), hopefully presented both in text and graphics with a tentative time-table, should an analyze of existing (today) and required (future) resources.
Example of resources are key competences, funding, additional personal for time-demanding tasks, etcetera. When we know the required resources to reach a certain goal, the community will know what we collectively must try to bring in.
Basically: Let the investors and miners know where this boat is heading. As of today we know very little of that and it's a shame. Burst seems like a ship just cruising around without a real mission. An overall coordination of activities and communication seems to be lacking.
If the above actually was delivered, I'd suggest that you post regular (bi-weekly?) updates on what progress or obstacles you face, information essential to keep the roadmap updated and investors/miners informed. I'd prefer that you use the blog (which has not been updated for six-some week, btw).
The official site's Team-page]http://burstcoin.info/about/] official site's Team-page is impressive, but some of the names I get the impression are not active anymore. If this site is updated with the actual active devs, it could be connected to the roadmap to see which people are working on what.
Last update was BEFORE block 92000
Now we have block 126245 !!!
That is almost a THIRD of the coins existence without any update!
In case the developer lost track:
1. add at and lottery pages
2. update wallet
3. update nxt.wellKnownPeers
4. Look at your cheat sheet ("NXT") what to update.
5. publish the white paper (finally)
Maybe we should ask other developers to jump in here. How about bin/laden?
The WINDOWS wallet is already - even as a clone - advanced to the original.
(Who know me, will know what I am thinking of Windows)
Burst lakes of two MAJOR things:
1. management of BURST development
2. management of BURST promotion aka PR team
Maybe it would be a good idea, if the original burstdev could post a few words here every now and then. Once or twice a week would be more than enough, just so everyone can see he's still active.
I would also suggest: Do smaller updates to show what you are working on. So far, not even the site for setting up the reward receipient is properly implemented in the wallet. And there's a lot of other stuff like crowd founding etc. It would build a lot more trust to see even very small improvements and updates, than just those "development is very active" posts. No offense, but people only believe in what they see, and people who are about to invest their hard earned money into crypto coins, want to see proof first nowadays.
Please Devs, read the above.
These three quotes have something in common. It's not something spectacular in any wat but very, very doable with just a little (I almost wrote "management" but all needed is) planning.
At the moment, you are letting Titanic sink before hitting the iceberg. .47 sats on polo and people are still selling as if they see the iceberg approaching.
Do something.