Blago, I have a feature request for your miner. Can the program create a text file (or .csv file) that contains only the line with the best deadlines for each row?
From your last post, it appears that the best deadline is the only one submitted. This means that the code can write to the text file right after submission or if necessary, while it is on the same block, keep appending to the same line until the block changes. Since not all blocks reach 100% scan, some deadlines may not be written, but that would be fine for the file's purpose.
The reason for the text file is to allow users to load it in Excel and get important statistics like average deadline and standard deviation. From this information, the community can piece together an approximate payout per pool for a certain plotting size range(1-2 TB, 2-5 TB, etc.). A size range is needed because most of the pools give shares based on an exponential formula and an average burst per TB for each pool would vary based on total plotted size. Each pool has its own formula and the complaints to go with it. This new feature may help the pool devs refine their formulas and give the community a better idea of which pool to mine on. I see a non-writable (except for the creator and a select few) Google Docs file with the statistics of the community from posts on this forum (assuming they back up their numbers with Excel chart pictures).
FakeAccount, your plots should be fine since my plots seem to work. What I found was throwing off my deadlines was my system clock. After syncing it manually to internet time, my deadlines got much better and this leads to my other feature request. My system clock is really bad at keeping time despite changing the battery on the motherboard about a year ago. My solution was to download a program here: I have been varying my update interval between 10 minutes and 1 hour. Unfortunately, syncing while the miner is looking for a block seems to be a bad idea and ruins my deadline for that block (although I have no proof of this except some blocks with a best deadline of thousands of days).
My second proposed feature is to make an option for the miner to try syncing the system clock between blocks. The two issues that I can see with this possible feature is that a program requires admin access to sync the clock and the other issue is if a new block happens to begin at the same moment that it is syncing. For these reasons, the default option would have to be off. Alternatively, I will keep using the program that I have been using already.
On a side note, cryo's newest GPU plotter creates optimized plots if using the direct writing option. Don't freak out if the progress stays at 0% for a while because it will start updating the progress once the plot file size reaches the output size. Cryo will probably fix this in a future update once he bases the initial progress meter on the size of the file before basing the meter on the number of scoops plotted *hint hint to cryo.