-ANNOUNCEMENT-With other pools having issues, now is the perfect time to try out
our new failover setup! http://burst.ga provides full failover for any reason, there are 8 monitor IPs that will constantly check the status of the pool, when any sort of non-response is returned, it will switch automatically over to the redundant backup pool! This means our pool is NEVER DOWN!!
I'm doing another giveaway, until we get a sufficient number of people/power...
This time, I'm doing a giveaway
based on mining power!I will give you 1 burst per GB you have plotted! That means if you bring 50 TB to our pool, I will give you 50k! I'm not sure how much power I'm looking to get right now, but I have no problem with spending 100k+.
What I need from you as proof, is a picture from your wallet showing your Numeric account ID, then screen shots of your plots, selected, showing size and your numeric account ID, then once your stats show on the pool, I will give you 50%. After your stats stay on the pool for 7 days, you will get the other 50%. I'm trying to get long-term miners here, not people who are just trying to take advantage of me giving away burst.
Also, I will donate the pool account 50k burst to be paid out to everyone mining, when the pool hits 100 miners again.
Thanks, and let's get our pool back into the top 3!!
We have another idea for more assets too, and Hardinvest, our first asset will be paying out soon, and will also be available for purchase again very soon!
So hit me up with those screen shots, and I'll hook you up with both a nice, redundant pool, and a bonus amount of burst!
also, FYI, if you don't have a miner that automatically checks for IP address changes, I would suggest setting up a restart script for your miners, so that in the case of a pool failure, the auto-failover will activate, your miner will restart, and you'll be good without ever having to touch anything. I can help people setup Windows Restart batch files, but I can't help linux users. Not quite affluent enough with that yet.
Thank you!