Storj just announced beta info today. I don't know if burst can compete against storj (if it ever launches). I want to exchange some BTC for burst; but I am worried about the long term prospects. What does everyone think about storj vs burst?
the concept sounds funny but nothing more to me. the main issue i see is that storj offers person to person services as core concept.
securing hosted data against loss makes the whole idea weird.
technically it is possible to keep multiple (100+) copies of the data within the network and distribute them over different geographic regions. but each copy requires someone to get paid somehow to host the data. if a person to company service can calculate a service based on their costs and profit wishes they know exaclty how much a user has to pay for 1gb of data. they store the data on raids and keep up to 4 copies depending on their infastructure and service. they know they require 4 gb capacity to sell one gb.
compared to burst where infastructure to store data exists as side effect to cut electricity costs storj is complete different.
technically if you want to reliably store or exchange data in the cloud there exist different options.
even if cloud based data storage will be added to burst and even if it fails as concept burst only looses a feature.
if the concept fails for storj it means storj fails.
i have posted some pages ago what i think what has to be done to have a successful cloudstorage approach.
technically the only real benefitting application is if you have to distribute sets of data to a big audience.
what may also work would be to integrate burst as storage provider into owncloud. this may be the simplest way to get public attention because there already is a market for and people are looking for affordable storage provider.