Anyone know the best way for me to receive a burstcoin with my public key? Seems like it is kind of needed to mine with a pool. Or maybe a helpful soul could send one my way? PM for address/public key. Thx!
The faucets are pretty good, get some free, and then assign a name to your account(like your btt id)
BTW: and
I did as you said and I now have 2.5 Burst in account. Transactions have 10+ confirmations. I also changed my name on account. I am still having troubles settings a reward recipient. Enter passphrase used to log in, enter recipient #, and bam.
{"errorCode":5,"errorDescription":"Unknown account"}
...thoughts? Not enough confirmations, maybe? apologies, Burstcoin newb here.
Don't use the IP, use, BURST-8NZ9-X6AX-72BK-2KFM2 for the recipient.
EDIT: use that address for Dev pool, other wise use the gray pool address or the burst pool. I believe that they are at /howto.html
BTW: I recommend Fane's pool,
I used the BURST account as a recipient and it worked. Now I am confused on how the gui wallet works, I have it installed on a couple different machines now. Basically, I want 1 central wallet (on PC A) and to pool mine from (PC B). I set a reward assignment for PC A using the account ID from PC A. On PC B I fire up "Burstcoin Mining System" to mine from a pool. I do not know where to enter the account ID in that program, maybe Burstcoin MS does not support mining to another? The passphrase concept/accountID/rewardassignment/pool setup currently eludes me (solo mining is going great, otherwise
) My end goal is to use Burstcoin Mining System on PC B and have it push to a wallet on PC A. Can anyone please break this phase down for me?
How it works
When you set your reward recipient, you are giving that account the ability to sign your shares, an to take the funds.
By mining on that pool's IP, you are sending it the shares to sign.
Burst is not like other coins, your passphrase s all that your account is, so no matter what computer, with your passphrase your wallet is accessible. Therefore you can mine on the same account on 2 PC's, as long as plots don';t over lap. No need to do reward stuff between the 2