I used to hold a good amount of Coin2. The price was going up, I was staking, and then all the sudden the coin was under attack once again. Everyone held tight, and after an extremely long wait and the supply of coins doubling as the price quartered, I got the same number of new coins distributed to me. I got my coins without hassle, but there was really no oversight as to who held all the leftover coins. I sold all my coin 2 at 100 satoshi (a tenth of my purchase price).
The game hasn't been shown to be developed one iota in the few months. Don't tell me that developing games "takes a long time". I've developed games before and know people who have created similar fps games. I'm familiar with 3d modeling and making a few halfway showcase-able levels should take no where near as long as it has been taking. There has been absolutely no proof shown of actual development. There has been absolutely no proof that Joel is back, as more than one username (not necessarily more than one person any more) knows its password.
I don't have any monetary skin in this game, just empathy for those still holding. Something smells fishy, from the lack of evidence of actual work, the lack of proficiency in all development, and the general redistribution of coins. Don't keep anything in C2 that you aren't 99% comfortable with losing.
P.S. I don't want to wreck any investments. This is not any trading advice. This is just a concerned observer.
Yes games do take a long time. especially when the Developers only have a couple hours a day or so to work on it. for the fps we only have one C++ programmer. he has a family, school, and I think outside work as well. so his time is so limited. We are doing our best to find someone to help. yet no programmers want to work for crypto. We have got no money for anything development. the only way is to sell c2, yet at these prices it is a waste of time. most programmers want hundreds of dollars a day to program. We have looked. I'm learning UE4 right now, yet my computer sucks and is way below the required specks.
I understand you all are frustrated. We all believe in C2, yet with no programmers believing it. its impossible to get this done in a fast way. One reason we spread the c2 intergration to other games that will take less time. Yet we still need programmers to get those done. OldandGrey is doing awesome work. Yet that means we only have 2 total programmers. I believe OLdandGrey is a Java guy. So tell me when other game people have 15 to 20 and it takes them a year sometimes more to get a decent game out. and when only have 1 programmer. see the picture. If you know programmers start talking to them. And if they can help out with the possibility of making some cash when the time is right. We need it.
If I could get a better computer I would be doing a lot more on my part. Hopefully soon, when something kicks in. I can't even concentrate on my web series till I can figure out how this side going. Whats the point doing a show with nothing to report.
If any of you have any ideas of what we should do. Please let me know, I need to know.