1 Finish the score upload (obviously)
2 Write the Top 10 retrieval API and game code
3 A few bits and pieces for the user interface (extra tab on the screen, ability to set your leaderboard nickname etc.)
4 Ability to pay out for best Hi Score after a set period of time.
Disappointed with the offers of help (thanks to those who have). If you want the coin to succeed, then this is how you can make a difference.
Hi Guys,
Just an update :-
1 Finish the score upload - done
2 Write the Top 10 retrieval API and game code - started
3 A few bits and pieces for the user interface - done
4 Ability to automatically payout for highscore competitions etc. (not yet started)
Additionally I have now set up a new development server so that any future wallet development can be done without breaking the main server. (Gives us an opportunity to build up a collection of bugs and release them in a controlled manner - lol). I have also had an offer of help from renbit and enkore and look forward to their help with music and css as well as an offer from maffmcnaughty for the use of some of his sons music for the fps.
Please check your user details in the online wallet and enter your "Game Username" (Click on your name - top right, then "Update my Details"). This will be need for game leaderboards ;-)
Still lots to do, so tell us what you are good at and lets get busy :-)