While there is something worthwhile about altcoin clones that toy around with novel settings, this looks really bad.
Your logo is completely inept. I mean, you've got a childish typeface on it, which is completely at odds with a grandiose motto like "With Freedom Comes Power". And, while having wood in the background isn't a bad concept, you've chosen a picture of wooden flooring and then flipped and mirrored it across the centerline. And then you've used drop shadow, which is the calling card of someone who doesn't know what they're doing.
And that pool picture you've chosen? That's quite obviously a funeral urn that person is floating around with. I went and checked where it came from: It's an illustration from an article about a crematorium helping to heat a local swimming pool.
I'm sure there are many here would would put it much more harshly, but damn, this is a really poor effort.
Lastly, this should be posted in the ANNOUNCEMENTS subforum, not gumming up the main altcoins forum.
lol this was post way back months ago around feb before the initial giveaway funny people will do anything to attack a good coin to make it's value go down FUD much? nice try buddy, your comment is already obsolete