If you have coins on an exchange, and none on a local(your computer) wallet you will be fine. The exchages will switch them over for you.
If you have coins on your local wallet(on your computer) read below:
1. Send all coins to an exchange wallet as SOON AS WE SAY SO. Do not do it before hand. We need to get the hashrate on the network higher. WE WILL TELL YOU WHEN.
2.We are uploading new wallet as we speak. The new wallet is Coin2.0(C2.0). Make sure you get the right one.
3.Enjoy Coin2.0, and thank you for sticking with us during this rough time. WE ARE BACK AND STRONGER THAN EVER! ^^^^^^^^MOON!
wow... i can foresee a bright future of NEW C2!
Come on, guys. Contribute your hash and let us protect the C2 network together!