gristlelump, I've used this one without issues for a very long time (though I'm not CPU mining right now tbh).
You'll find the 2.4.0 release has binaries optimized for the various CPU versions, and both x64 & x86.
I couldn't tell if that's what you were using already or not, anyways, hope it helps.
My startup parameters are the following, pasted from my cpu mining shortcut:
minerd-x64-core2.exe -a scrypt-jane -o stratum+tcp:// -u username.worker -p password -t 6 --nfmin 4 --nfmax 30 --starttime 1388949883
(core2 as I got an old Xeon on this box)
Happy Mining,
~ Myagui
I'll check it out an see if it solves the problems I've started having. It doesn't look like the version of CPUminer I'm using but very close as it's optimized for a particular CPU. I can't find the original download location for the miner executable that I'm currently using. Searhced for it but coming up short. None of the executables in any of the scrypt-jane CPUminers seem to match my miner.