Statement of the Cassubian Detk Developers' Team
Dear Cassubian Detk Users,
December 2014 and January 2015 was the most difficult period of Cassubian Detk. There was a moment when the networks was stopping (Dec 15), the market was illiquid and there were only few transactions. Now we hope that the worst is behind us all.
Since Dec 15 net-crisis (the network stopped for about 6 hours) we have put our private, personal hashing power into Cassubian Detk network. Some of our team had been mining relatively profitable coins before (in comparison, of course), but we said "all hands on deck!". Other miners had seen it and after a few weeks the difficulty had risen from 0.01 to about 2. Since some time the mining pool is aviable again.
The bad news is, we've lost the exchange in the meantime. The main reason of delisting was low hashrate. We believe that Cassubian Detk will be there again as soon as the hashrate grows. We have another exchange, it's a Polish company offering BTC/PLN (Polish Zloty, a fiat currency) exchange, too. It's a new market. We think that Cassubian Detk was listed on c-cex too early (and delisted too early, too), and this was one of reasons of the December crisis.
The good news is that after some our market interventions on we've reached some boost or revitalisation on the market. The amount and prices of buy orders have grown, and the daily volume is much bigger than before. Cassubian Detk market on allcrypt
was top daily market 3 times in January.
we were promising from the beginning that we'd make a market intervention and we've kept our word. We did it in the worth period and we hope that Cassubian Detk, its owners, investors, traders, users and trees investors will grow their profits during the upcoming spring.
Let's start the growth with the new months! There's about 9.5 hours of January left (European Time). Let's make February the month of Cassubian Detk's boost and revival!
We can't do it alone. We need your help!Our hopes:
We hope that you are still with us and you will support our efforts. We hope that you'll appreciate our work, put your hashing power to Cassubian Detk and trade it on allcrypt.
Our operative goals for the next weeks:
1. To revitalise the market. There're 5 bonuses (4000 CDT each) for traders who will help us. PM me for details.
2. The cooperation with other dev team and third parties to buy 1 hectare of land and create the CryptoEco Wood Plantation there. The CryptoEco Wood Plantation that would offset the carbon dioxide exhaled during production of electricity for your mining rigs and would be pollinator friendly. Therefore Cassubian Detk will be not gold backing, but biomass and land backing.
3. We need a new block explorer, as the old ones don't exist. We offer 1000 CDT for establishing it.
Nobody is perfect, so please forgive us our mistakes.
A crisis may happen to everyone. But standing up afterwards is a real measure of strenght.
We've started to rise up, let's do it now together!
on behalf of Cassubian Detk Dev Team
Alice (user: alicea)