I use a cobbled-together shell script, and gnuplot.
The shell script ('cc' is an alias for 'clamd'):
b1=$(($(head -1 ~/Documents/clam/getblock.2.dat | awk '{print $1}')+1))
echo "dumping blocks $b1 to $b" 1>&2
while ((b >= b1))
echo $(cc getblock $(cc getblockhash $b) | grep -e height -e supply -e time -e difficulty | awk '{print $3}' | tr -d ,)
((b -= 1))
if ((b % 100 == 0))
echo $b 1>&2
and the gnuplot script:
set terminal qt size 1350,710
set rmargin 5
set grid
set timefmt "%s"
set xdata time
set xtics format "%b %d"
set key bottom right
plot sin(x) # resize window with junk plot
plot [470707200+604800*0-86400*30*7.15:*] \
"~/Documents/clam/getblock.2.dat" using 6:($3/1e0) title "digsupply" with lines lw 3, \
"~/Documents/clam/getblock.2.dat" using 6:($4/1e0) title "stakesupply" with lines lw 3 \
; pause -1
plot [470707200+86400*250:*] \
"~/Documents/clam/getblock.2.dat" using 6:($3/1e0) title "digsupply" with lines lw 3, \
; pause -1
Thanks Doog, trying to make sense of the code without past experience. Where is it obtaining the data from, through API? This is run in Linux I presume, any way to emulate this in windows? I'm a coding no0b
Edit: I guess all the staking info is found in that getblock.2.dat file? How does that work?