neither a video nor a whitepaper are surety for success!
this team promise the best technologie for a new unique coin. we dont need a new bitcoin or litecoin with different parameter, we need a new coin with unique and realy usefull features with a real world value... i see this in the goals of cloakcoin.
AAAAAAAAND.... i want make big money - really
where else do you have the chance to buy so cheap and can dream of an estimated gain like here....
i like cashmens character, i "know" him from IRC before he took over the leadership for this coin. my view is, that he is doing his job very well. the impression is good. i monitor this coin since one year.
some weeks ago there was a !!! successfull !!! posa3 test (but i didnt test my self... :/), in about 2 weeks the fog is lifted, if they have posa3 and onion routing implemented successfully this coin is our rocket to the stars, onemarket is a goody (maybe its better to implement it to a separate blockchain, i dont know) but the real killer feature is the possibility to make trustless transactions and thats whats really difficult. all other stuff like onemarket is realizable, similar projects still exists.. (fork openbazar, it doesnt matter from my point of view or open bazar - i dont know, is it implemented to the bitcoin blockchain or does it use its own blockchain? - maybe openbazar could implement cloakcoin too?).
maybe i will lose my investment, nowbody (except cashmen ^^) can adumbrate what will happen. just wait a little time... (schau ma mal, dann seh' ma schon)
after the wallet release and an apparently working posa3 wallet we have to make an audit!
and after that, when cloak is established the crew has to open source this coin (not to early, otherwise other coins/crews will grab the technologie for other coins and thats not sexy for the investors!) - i think this is the last verification for the value of cloak
i wish us all the best. thanks to cashmen und all the unknown players/devs/supporter in the background.
i am excited and nosy what situation is here in the end of this month!
retrospective i had a lot of funny moments here, nice greetings to jorr, yourmother, bob and all the others... i loughed a lot here and currently "i love my cloakcoin, i get them for a bitcoin" thanks to lazi the party beginn!