community update
A community update is probably long overdue, so here we are...
As many of you are likely aware, we have created a new Cloak testnet have have been through several rounds of private testing. We have been doing this privately to keep things under control while we ascertain the state of Cloak.
Our initial focus has been on PoSA3 and we've been through 10 internal test releases so far. Our tests have been successful in the majority, but have led us to discover a bug in the PoSA relay system, which we are now focusing on fixing. The issue relates to an erroneous transaction that is sometimes broadcast, which in turn triggers DDoS protection as peers receive the erroneous transaction. The core functionality of PoSA3 is working well (apart from this bug) and we hope to have it resolved as soon as time allows. Once we have resolved this issue, we will move on to testing and completing OneMarket.
In terms of outstanding work, we are also in the process of wiring up the PoSA Status page, which allows a user to monitor the state of their PoSA3 transactions as they are processed by the Cloak network. Our main priority will be to continue PoSA testing to ensure the transaction broadcast issue is fixed, which will allow us to open us the Testnet to the wider community for stress testing. We are also looking to source additional development resources, which I'm sure you can appreciate isn't easy, especially when we need to keep the inner workings of the PoSA system from being leaked/stolen.
some screens here