Question 5
Hi Cindicator – on page 6, paragraph 2.1, line 15 of the White Paper you say,
“A group may have a lot of outliers, errors, or subjectivity; however, the diversity and multidirectionality of these points allows them to be ignored in modulus (the simplest example is the Gaussian distribution).”
Question: What do you mean by this? I understand with a normal distribution we can say certain things about the characteristics of the distribution. Are you simply saying that outlier data points are simply ignored if the group is diverse?
It is just math. It means that on average, the sum of errors will be zero by the theory of probability.
Simple example: when we have only one person that do some calculation and give us final result his error will be critical.
May be by accident this person give us something like 2+2=5 and we will live with that error
But if we have 10 peoples average result will be close to truth even if errors exist.
2+2 = 3
2+2 =4
2+2 =5
2+2 =4
2+2 = 3
2+2 =4
2+2 =4
2+2 =4
2+2 =6
2+2 =4
Average result is (3+4+5+4+3+4+4+4+6+4)/10=4,1
Very close to truth. And this result we got only with 60% correct numbers!