off FIRST TIME the "water" passes through. Any additional time
the same or different water passes through, the stack output is already
satisfied and the water simply flows down towards the CH (change address or the next stack entry).
Siphoning off X water every pass would not work well, because then you could
form a coin eating loop with X water forever getting siphoned into the OUT returning back into the same stack.
The way the wallet works is secure in this manner. The worst thing the Alice can do from the user interface
is to pay to alice_old_address, forming the liquidity stack loop and this loop is not coin eating.
txid = SHA256(alice_old_address CAT SHA256( alice_new_address CAT alice_old_address CAT 1 coin ))
Her coin will simply take one full loop and fall into the alice_new_address:
1. 999 coins depart from alice_old_address into the stack
2. The stack discovers that 999 >=1 coin arrived.
3. The stack triggers and temporarily puts 998 coins into the alice_new_address and 1 coin into alice_old_address
4. There is now 1 coin into alice_old_address, it flows back into the stack
5. The stack discovers that 1 coin arrived but stack is already used.
6. The stack temporarily adds the 1 coin to alice_new_address (reason: stack already used)
7. There are now 999 coins in alice_new_address, coin propagation ends
See? Everything is safe for the end user even though 1 coin took a loop. She simply paid to herself.
Okay so liquidity stacks only siphon once, then afterwards that essentially act as a normal wallet that's been connected to another wallet downstream, right? So if Chris then came and payed out X combs like:
SHA256(chris_1, SHA256(alice_new_address CAT alice_old_address CAT X))
All of Chris's combs would end up in alice_new_address.
Yes. She needs to save the new private key carefully on disk before every time she pays. She also needs to carefully save the complete liquidity
stack she intends to pay to on disk before she pays. Both objects are stored inside her new wallet.
If she were to lose the stack after she pays to it the funds will be lost. The reason is, she has no proof to give to Bob.
Alright, it makes sense that it would work like this, although it'd be a pain for the user to operate. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the steps to pay anybody are:
1. Save old wallet
2. Generate new wallet
3. Save new wallet
4. Copy new wallet public key to clipboard
5. Import old wallet
6. Begin payment process with the new wallet public key on the clipboard.
I wonder if there's a UI way to make the user experience easier. Like, when you initiate a payment, there's a form on the UI that has a place to enter output/output amount like normal, but instead of just a field to paste the new change address, there'd also be a button that said "Generate New Wallet Address" or something like that. Clicking it would make a popup appear that just had a name entry field, and if you put in a name and hit ok, it would generate a new wallet.dat file with a new private key, save it with the name you put in, and then automatically fill the change address field with that wallet's public key. That way you could still enter in all the details manually if you wanted, but from a normal user's convenience perspective, you take all 6 of the steps from before and combine them into one single button press.
I wanna try and build a basic GUI for the wallet first, but something like this makes sense to do next. Can you foresee any problems if this was to be implemented?
More questions about transactions; the 21 hostchain TX requirement. First, are these all required to be entirely separate transactions, or can you batch transact them? I.e. Do you have to pay 21*TX_fee? From what I've read and got from speaking with Kelozar, you can't batch transact them, and if this is true, I'm curious as to the reason for it, but also if you could batch those transactions in such a manner that you'd be able to roll for more haircomb claims? I.e. one TX per hostchain block, then have the first TX in the list be the mining address, and the second be the TX signature address?
Another question is why can't Alice just give Bob the old wallet's private keys? Every transaction burns the previous wallet effectively, correct? If this is the case, then even if Bob had the private keys, what could he actually use them for? The wallet is already connected in the system to dump any funds it receives.
EDIT 3: Think I get the double spend bit now. If the funds were spent before, then at least ONE of that transaction's hash chain results would be greater than the corresponding result for the current transaction hash chain, and he'd find it, because of the totalling up to 59213 rule with he small numbers.
My question still stands though, why can't Alice just give the private keys to Bob, if she's making a new wallet after ever TX anyways? Am I misunderstanding something about the new wallet process?
EDIT 4: Cleared up a bunch of verbal diarrhea to make the post more readable.