I am willing to sell 1 COMB for this test, if need a seller.
Hello I've been notified that there is a person who is willing to purchase this 1 COMB using $1 worth of NANO crypto-currency.
That person's COMB address is:
And Bitcoin claiming address is:
kelozar, will you install a NANO wallet and create a nano address? If you disagree, please find yourself a buyer!
If someone else wants to be buyer or seller please apply! My choice is still not final.Hello, Unfortunately I am willing to accept ONLY BTC
I can supply more then one buyer.
Will email natasha for details.
Edit: after reading natasha most recent reply I have some questions.
Question1, Will I need to make any btc onchain TX as the seller? and if so how many per trade? (this will help me determine fair price per comb)
Question2, If I am seller for more then one buyer, Will I be eligible for reward .009 btc more then one time? (this will help me determine fair price per trade)
In the case that the answer to my questions is I will NOT need to make any onchain TX, AND I will be eligible for reward per trade.
Then I am willing to accept any Major Crypto (NANO Included) and Any reasonable offer 1$ (As the reward from natasha will outweigh any cost I spent on claiming the comb)
Here is my address information.
address for .009 BTC reward (can use same address if reward multiplies per trade)
return comb address in case of unsuccessful trade (can use same address if multiple trade)
nano address for trade1
in the case of any other buyer,
here is some more address you can use as payment in btc
Any questions or if anything else is needed from me please let me know.
Thank you for this opportunity! Excited and very much looking forward!