I like this coin or CON rather
But I'm not quite sure if I want to own a few... many thousands... Alright, I know if I want to, but I am not sure if I should to.
Lets count some pros and cons about that.
The main reason is that if you own those CONs you can brag all around about how sick you are that you invest in such hot shit - a coin made to mimic a failed coin in a humorous way. This brings us to a SWAG. The main reason to hold this shit is dat swag. Tell all the girls their are now safe with you cause you got such cons..thousands.., go to that shitty hashtalk and tell the hashtards now they belong to you, they will now serve you, be your bitches, bring you food, cause you got the next gen, not their shitty homero coin but the next gen, with all dat swag. You are now future rich, and you get the respect anywhere... if anyone doubts it you say alright here I sign a address how I own PayCON - here now they respect you, you are now the boss.
And the cons of those cons:
You to run the wallet all the time and that means your pc must be always on. It's not a problem these days, I mean you are downloading porn from torrents all the time anyway, it's not the thing you should be worrying about. The real question is will the staking of cons slow your porn downloads and the answer is no. I don't understand the technicalities, but it is explained on the first page for computer geeks with all the stuff about some flux capacitators, yanglets and all the other stuff in latest asics but the only thing you have to know it doesn't slow your porn downloads even by a bit, so it's a win-win. Another thing what is worrying - does it need to make some block splitting, sending to different own addresses and all the stuff to stay not outstaked and therefore not outswaged with all the little nerdy programmers around here.
So these are my thoughts, hope I help to decide for anyone with this coin analysis. There are some things that require further explanation as you see but you get the picture
edit: I also asked shapeshift.io on their thread to add it to their exchange, it's so strange they haven't already.