
Topic: [ANN][COSA] Cosanta POW + POS / CPU mining [English] (Read 5089 times)

Activity: 158
Merit: 22
Yesterday, at block 555556, the block reward was increased by 20%, and now the block reward is 0.6 COSA (0.5994 for miners and 0.0006 for masternode owners). The next block reward increase of +16.5% (0.7 COSA per block) is expected on November 14, 2024, at 23:39:53. At block 591717, expected on July 1, 2024, at 20:03:20, the reward for masternode owners will double (0.5988 for miners and 0.0012 for masternode owners).
Activity: 158
Merit: 22
The 666 blocks left until the block reward increases by 20% (0.5 -> 0.6)
Activity: 158
Merit: 22
In 31 days, there will be an increase in the network reward from 0.5 to 0.6 COSA per block +20%.
Activity: 158
Merit: 22
Could you at least edit the release info before compiling? Is still says v0.18.0.0 in the details.
Plus, all those exchanges ban certain countries.
PlusPlus... only 1 MN? Doesn't sound stable at all! Where did it go wrong? Oh, right, someone dumped threadrippers on the chain and mined everything. Then PoS became active and took all block rewards from miners.
I started in '21. I only mined 30. The joys of using 10 year old tech...

Latest release should display -

You can use PancakeSwap for exchange your Cosanta but you should use gateway @piratecash_bot for exchange native coins to tokens and back. Also, gateway will available soon in application and on our website too.

PoW is still available but community stop do mining and we removed pool.

What do you mean doesn't stable ?
Activity: 665
Merit: 15
Could you at least edit the release info before compiling? Is still says v0.18.0.0 in the details.
Plus, all those exchanges ban certain countries.
PlusPlus... only 1 MN? Doesn't sound stable at all! Where did it go wrong? Oh, right, someone dumped threadrippers on the chain and mined everything. Then PoS became active and took all block rewards from miners.
I started in '21. I only mined 30. The joys of using 10 year old tech...
Activity: 158
Merit: 22
Thanks for not clearing up anything.
And who'd want to run an MN for 1%?

MN reward will increase each 4 supperblock cycles (4*16616) ~approx 120 days from 1% to 60%
Activity: 665
Merit: 15
Thanks for not clearing up anything.
And who'd want to run an MN for 1%?
Activity: 158
Merit: 22
At block 525252 on the Cosanta network, masternodes started receiving rewards and currently their ROI is 1.00% per year or 36500 days. However, starting from block 555555, the block reward will increase by 20%, which is expected to happen by 2024-04-25. Additionally, a mechanism for increasing masternode rewards every 115 days will be introduced.
Activity: 158
Merit: 22
In the Cosanta test network, rewards for masternodes have been activated since block 488888, with the first reward amounting to 1/1000 of the block reward (0.0005 tCOSA). In the main network, masternode rewards will be activated at block 525252, approximately 12 days from now. Masternode rewards will then increase every 66464 blocks, which is approximately every 120 days.
Activity: 6
Merit: 0
"We will enable stake after 1 - 2 years because we need distribution COSA between community. Also, we'll improving staking in the code before when it will be active."
"Pow is disabled"

So your advertising for POW+POS CPU mining coin, that can't be POW or POS?
or am I missing something?
Activity: 158
Merit: 22
Mandatory Update! 🔄

🚀 Cosanta Core v18.1.0 is out:

🔧 Fixes payment server URL
💰 Masternode rewards activate at block 525252
⏩ Gradual increase of masternode rewards from 0.1 to 60%

Keep your nodes updated for optimal performance!
Activity: 158
Merit: 22
ℹ️ Today, a new contract with the address 0x5f980533b994c93631a639deda7892fc49995839 has been created for Cosanta, and soon there will be information on how to exchange old tokens for the new ones at a 1:1 ratio.
Activity: 158
Merit: 22
🚀 New Cosanta is available, issue with orphans has been fixed
Activity: 665
Merit: 15
Activity: 158
Merit: 22
🥳 Cosanta Core v18 is available for download.
⚙️ To fix issue with synchronization network, we recommend adding nodes to cosanta.conf. The list of available nodes can be found at

Activity: 158
Merit: 22
🎙 The final test version is now available, addressing known issues with Mac OS, introducing support for Apple Silicone,  significantly enhancing stacking functionality.
Activity: 158
Merit: 22
What is new/changed/fixed?

1) Improved staking and prepared for PoS v2.5
2) Cosanta core is start native building for Apple Silicone M2
3) Updated Cosanta Core v18 is same Dash v18

Known issues:
- need rescan wallet after orphans
- only on mac os builds (segmentation faults after close application)

Our next steps:

- fix segmentation faults(fixed in dev branch and will available in RC3) and do release v18
- schedule PoS v2.5 (it will be in v18.x)
- fix orphans
- update core to v18.1->v18.2->v19->v20
Activity: 665
Merit: 15
What is new/changed/fixed?
Activity: 158
Merit: 22
The test version rc-1 is available for testing, but please note that this version is not intended for use in the main network. It is recommended to use it only for deploying in a test network.
Activity: 158
Merit: 22
Cosanta #roadmap has been updated
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