
Topic: [ANN][CPU-mining] ★★ LJCOIN ★★ [LIVEJOURNAL] (Read 1758 times)

Activity: 30
Merit: 0
go better develop fuckenlion, your scam projects
Activity: 30
Merit: 0
Activity: 294
Merit: 11
Lord Shiva
Due to the fact that I do not have time to develop this coin (I'm completely engaged in the development of ★★ Trillion ★★ coin) - I am ready to transfer the premine to the one, who will develop the LJCOIN. For a symbolic fee of 1 BTC. You can bargain. Contact me in PM.
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
It is unfortunate that this developer turned out to be the same as 99% of the other cheater and traitor. I understand with experience of course that there is no sense in general to support new not known projects, that is all a bench
jr. member
Activity: 168
Merit: 1
Blockchain stuck on height 25347 10 days ago. This coin is dead.
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
that with the project, there is absolutely no information
full member
Activity: 445
Merit: 100
Let me know how to get free coins you are giving out.
Activity: 30
Merit: 0
Activity: 294
Merit: 11
Lord Shiva
exchange when becomes?

This is not relevant right now. So far we are giving away coins for free Smiley
Activity: 30
Merit: 0
exchange when becomes?
Activity: 294
Merit: 11
Lord Shiva
LJcoin development plan

We think that the cost of LJcoin by the end of 2018 will not exceed $ 5- $ 10 per coin. And that's why we think so:

- LJcoin is a complete Bitcoin analog using the Scrypt algo.

- Unlike Bitcoin, the maximum number of coins is increased from 21 to 252 million (84 + 84 + 84).

- Of these, 84 million coins have not yet been mined, and are already being actively mined. You can also mine it via Ljcoin-wallet on your home or work computer.

- 84 million will be evenly distributed among users of LiveJournal. We intend to use the mechanism of hierarchical distribution for this purpose.

- 84 million we intend to gradually distribute in exchange for Bitcoin among the founders, in order to obtain the resources necessary for marketing.

- Now Bitcoin costs $ 10,000 for one coin, and LJcoin is distributed free of charge. What is the difference? In the number of users and computing resources involved in the mining of coins.

- By distribution of LJcoin among the users of LiveJournal for free, we will achieve that the LJcoin user base will be comparable with the Bitcoin user base. And, consequently, their value becomes comparable.

- Accordingly, the computing power of the network LJcoin will also grow. Since many LiveJournal users will mine LJcoin for their own needs (purchase of subscribers, paid reposting, and the like).

- All this together will give rise to the value of LJcoin to the level of $ 5- $ 10 per coin.

- But why not $ 10,000 for one coin, like Bitcoin? Because, LJcoin coins are 22 times larger than Bitcoin coins. And also because we consider only realistic scenarios that take into account the inertia of the market.

- Right now we are ready to change up to 4 of 84 million LJcoin on Bitcoin, according to the principle of a closed auction. You write in PM how much LJC you need (minimum lot: 10,000 LJC) and how much you are willing to offer BTC. The best offers will win.

- We will find it good if we get for these 4,000,000 LJCs from 4 BTC and more. These bitcoins are needed for the development of primary infrastructure and marketing activities.

- Also, in the near future will be launched Bounty-campaign and AirDrops. We'll keep you posted.

Activity: 294
Merit: 11
Lord Shiva
Thank you, guys! Look in PM.
Activity: 51
Merit: 0
Let me know If you need spanish translator.


You need a bounty fee for it?

Spanish translation:

This is my LJCoin address if there is any bounty: LiNh8f4tMpC7MYs1qJfCWa8CKaU1sGt9jf

I will keep the thread updated. Let me know If you need to translate anything else.

I can't post images at the moment because low activity, but I will be able to post them really soon.

Best regards.
Activity: 294
Merit: 11
Lord Shiva
Let me know If you need spanish translator.


You need a bounty fee for it?
Activity: 294
Merit: 11
Lord Shiva
I think you need to provide the public with your plans as soon as possible, as the miners as I see go with this coin mining, and there is a risk of lagging behind completely without network support.
What do you think about this?

I think need a little patience. We are now launching a campaign in LiveJournal. This is now a priority for us. BTT is still on the second place, excuse me.
Activity: 294
Merit: 11
Lord Shiva
Activity: 30
Merit: 0
the project is dead?
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
I think you need to provide the public with your plans as soon as possible, as the miners as I see go with this coin mining, and there is a risk of lagging behind completely without network support.
What do you think about this?
hero member
Activity: 618
Merit: 500
New Pool LJCOIN 0.1 Fees

Configure Your Miners

stratum+tcp:// -u YOUR WALLET -p x

Ports 3054,3055 All ports Vardiff

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