
Topic: [ANN][CRW] CROWN (SHA256) | Platform | Governance | Systemnodes | Masternodes | - page 12. (Read 317115 times)

Activity: 59
Merit: 0
Blockchain 2042: After The Deep Fake, Prepare Yourself For The Deep True

I propose a forward-looking exercise on the society of the coming decades, marked by the 4th industrial revolution. Taking as a starting point the "regime of the trace" proposed by Alain Damasio, here is an incursion into the era of the "Deep Fake" and the one that will follow it, the era of the "Deep True".

The 4th industrial revolution defined by the German economist Klaus Schwab has already begun. Its beginnings almost coincide with those of the new millennium, and are around the year 2000. And although the term was indeed first used by Schwab in 2015 and then in the book of the same name published in 2016, the vision of a major shift in the role of technology in the structure and functioning of modern society had already been clearly defined in February 2000 in the National Intelligence Council's report entitled "Global Trends 2015: A Dialogue About the Future With Non-government Experts" and I invite you to read the latest iteration dated January 2017 : "Paradox of Progress".

This vision is based on the application of the digital revolution to the digital, physical and biological worlds, with the deployment of a multitude of new tools with fascinating potential: blockchain and cryptoassets, 3D printing, artificial intelligence, robotics and autonomous self-piloted systems, nano-technologies and super-batteries, quantum computers, biotech based on embryonic research, stem cells and DNA manipulation, and connected "intelligent" objects to name but a few. It must be understood that we are talking here about a disruption of human society through technological advances far superior to what the control of the atom's fission brought in its time. And the example taken here is not insignificant, because the main danger facing us today is the same as then: that this fascinating technology fall into indelicate hands....

And that's obviously what's happening.

Discussed in my previous article, the Deep Fake era is the first unhealthy emanation of the technological advances characterizing the 4th industrial revolution. Fake news is only the tip of the iceberg: the ability of machines (hardware and software) to produce perfectly realistic artifacts, and probably even "more real than life" will be fully operational in just a few years. It will then become possible, and easy, to falsify almost anything, whether physical or intangible. We will then wait for the stage where counterfeiting will be widespread and largely dominant in all sectors: medical, spare parts, but also reports, testimonies, recordings and telephone conversations, contracts...

Our grandchildren's generation of printers, coupled with the "Super AliExpress" which will put the most sophisticated service providers at your fingertips and 24 hours of delivery, will allow you to have just about anything made, including a copy of anything... The currency will then be completely dematerialized, and our grandchildren will laugh when they hear us tell them that it was our "before" practice to exchange printed pieces of paper for jewellery, cars, or entertainment tickets. The dollar will have lost its egemony, but that will not matter: the financial sphere will have mutated and adopted the new SFM (Super Fractionned Money) paradigm, characterized by the simultaneous cohabitation of several thousand different currencies, most of them crypto. There will always be state currencies, but they will not be the most used by the general public: each retail player of respectable size will promote its own cryptocurrency.

In this disturbing context, we will then be led to question the concept of reality and truth as we define them today. As a logical reaction and to allow "seeing clearly", the system will put in place permanent and increasingly sophisticated (and painful) controls, regardless of the type of social interaction (trade, finance, politics...). The general public will systematically doubt in the first instance before anything presented to it, suspicion becoming the norm, and fuelling conspiracy theories and other anti-system movements. Governments will try to react by over-legislating, and we will then slide into the era of the "Deep True": "certified true" labels will appear, which will be based on Blockchain technology and its comprehensive and forgery-proof public registry structure. The "truth" can emerge again, because "everything" will be stored immutably on a dedicated Blockchain. Everything will be measured, evaluated, and recorded in a Blockchain: no more need for tickets anywhere, speed cameras, speed cameras, tax controls, paternity tests... We will be tracked, recorded, geolocated and filmed continuously, and this data will be analyzed to generate automated alerts, warnings, and convictions. Data that will also be re-processed thanks to Artificial Intelligence and the results obtained resold to retail players to enable them to be even more efficient in their fierce desire to make us consume, again and again.

Retail players who will also use the power of the Blockchain and connected objects to almost completely eradicate counterfeiting: you will be filmed in all public transport locations, and the images analysed thanks to the I.A. to identify the models of clothing, bags, accessories, watches you wear. These data will be cross-referenced with those of your "Individual Blockchain" in order to verify that there is indeed a purchase trace for each item, otherwise you will be intercepted for further explanations or directly debited with the corresponding sum during a preliminary investigation...

But full traceability will not only have its downsides. Food scandals will become marginal, because everything will be perfectly measured and documented: genotype and paternity of each animal over several generations, respect for the cold chain, storage and delivery times, etc. Similarly in the pharmaceutical industry and for medical reimbursements: from the extraction of basic materials and components to final packaging, to the sale in pharmacy, everything will be precisely recorded in a dedicated Blockchain, eliminating the possibility of spreading counterfeit medicines on the market.

The fake news and other Deep Fake that have disrupted several elections in democratic countries and triggered many false scandals will be a bad memory: the slightest information will be validated before release against the facts stored in the corresponding Blockchain. The "not fake" label will be automatically assigned to content verified by an Open-Source algorithm managed by a decentralized structure.

Two small details as a corollary of this entertaining divagation:

- This scenario, plausible or not, is obviously not global. It would only concern the part of the company that could finance the establishment and maintenance of such an infrastructure. The 4th Industrial Revolution will undoubtedly be the most fascinating of all in many respects, but it will lead to a radical social fracture that risks literally splitting the world in two, and for good this time, by mercilessly excluding those "who do not have the means"...

- The concept of Blockchain applied to all sectors of society would revolutionize the world as we know it today, as we have brushed it along these lines. But it would have a huge cost, and still faces two physical limitations: the amount of data involved, and the energy required to allow its secure storage and instant access.
Activity: 27
Merit: 1

To understand why blockchain is important, look beyond wild speculation on what is built below.

The Internet bubble of the 1990s is generally considered a period of mad excess that ended with the destruction of hundreds of billions of dollars of wealth. What is less often discussed is how all the cheap capital of the boom years financed the infrastructure on which the most important Internet innovations would be built after the bubble burst. It financed the deployment of fibre optic cable, R&D on 3G networks and the construction of giant server arrays. All this would make possible the technologies that are now the foundation of the world's most powerful societies: algorithmic research, social media, mobile computing, cloud services, large data analysis, artificial intelligence, etc.

We believe that something similar is happening behind the wild volatility and media hype of the stratosphere of the crypto-currency and blockchain boom. The blockchain sceptics growled with joy as cryptographic prices have fallen from last year's dizzying peaks, but they make the same mistake as the crypto fanatics they mock: they associate the price with its intrinsic value. We cannot yet predict what the high-tech industries based on blockchain technology will look like, but we are confident in their existence, because technology itself is about creating an invaluable asset: trust.

To understand why, we have to go back to the 14th century.

It was at that time that Italian merchants and bankers began to use the double-entry method of accounting. This method, made possible by the adoption of Arabic numerals, has provided merchants with a more reliable record keeping tool and has enabled bankers to assume a powerful new role as intermediaries in the international payment system. However, it is not only the tool itself that has paved the way for modern finance. That was how it had been inserted into the culture of the day.

In 1494, Luca Pacioli, a Franciscan and mathematician, codified his practices by publishing a mathematics and accounting textbook presenting double-entry accounting not only as a means of tracking accounts, but also as a moral obligation. Like Pacioli, for everything that merchants or bankers had value, they had to give something back. Hence the use of compensation inputs to record distinct balancing values: a debit coupled to a credit, an asset with a liability.

Pacioli's morally honest accounting granted a form of religious blessing to these previously disparaged professions. Over the following centuries, clean books were considered a sign of honesty and piety, allowing bankers to become payment intermediaries and accelerate the flow of money. This financed the Renaissance and paved the way for the capitalist explosion that would change the world.

Yet the system was not immune to fraud. Bankers and other financial actors have often failed in their moral duty to keep honest accounts, and they always do: just ask Bernie Madoff's clients or Enron shareholders. Moreover, even if they are honest, their honesty comes at a price. We have allowed centralized trust managers, such as banks, stock exchanges and other financial intermediaries, to become indispensable, moving them from intermediaries to gatekeepers. They charge fees and restrict access, create friction, limit innovation and strengthen their market dominance.

So the real promise of Blockchain technology is not to make you a billionaire overnight or to give you the means to protect your financial activities from curious governments. This could significantly reduce the cost of trust through a radical and decentralized accounting approach - and, by extension, create a new way to structure economic organizations.

The need for trust and intermediaries allows giants such as Google, Facebook and Amazon to transform economies of scale and network effects into de facto monopolies.

A new form of accounting might seem like a boring achievement. Yet for thousands of years, since the Babylon of Hammurabi, the great books have been the foundation of civilization. Indeed, the exchange of values on which society is based requires us to trust everyone's claims on what we own, what we have and what we owe. To build this trust, we need a common system for monitoring our transactions, a system that gives definition and order to the company itself. Otherwise, how else would we know that Jeff Bezos is the richest human being in the world, that Argentina's GDP is $620 billion, that 71% of the world's population lives on less than $10 a day or that Apple shares are trading at a multiple of the company's earnings per share?

A blockchain (although the term is loosely used and often misapplied to things that are not really blockchains) is an electronic ledger, a list of transactions. In principle, these transactions can represent almost anything. These could be real money exchanges, as is the case with the block chains underlying crypto-currencies such as Bitcoin. They could mark exchanges of other assets, such as digital share certificates. They can represent instructions, such as orders to buy or sell shares. They could include smart contracts, which are computerized instructions to do something (for example, buy stock) if something is true (the price of stock has fallen below $10).

A blockchain is a particular type of general ledger, because instead of being managed by a single centralized institution, such as a bank or a government agency, it is stored in several copies on several independent computers within a decentralized network. No single entity controls the general ledger. All computers in the network can modify the general ledger, but only in accordance with the rules dictated by a "consensus protocol", a mathematical algorithm requiring that the majority of other computers in the network agree with the modification.

Once the consensus generated by this algorithm has been reached, all computers on the network update their copies of the general ledger simultaneously. If one of them attempts to add an entry to the general ledger without this consensus or to modify an entry retroactively, the rest of the network automatically rejects the entry as invalid.

Generally, transactions are grouped into blocks of a certain size that are linked (hence "blockchain") by cryptographic locks, themselves a product of the consensus algorithm. This produces an unchanging and shared record of the "truth", a record that, if things have been well prepared, cannot be altered.

Within this general framework, there are many variations. There are different types of consensus protocols, for example, and often disagreements about the safest type. There are public registers "without permission", to which everyone can in principle attach a computer and be part of the network; this is what Bitcoin and most other cryptocurrencies belong. There are also "authorized" private ledger systems that do not include any digital currency. These can be used by a group of organizations that need a common recordkeeping system, but are independent of each other and may not have complete self-confidence - a manufacturer and its suppliers, for example.

The common denominator among all is that it is the mathematical rules and impassable cryptography, rather than trust in fallible humans or institutions, that guarantee the integrity of the registry. This is a version of what cryptographer Ian Grigg described as "a three-way accounting": one entry on the debit side, another for credit and a third in an unchanging, uncontested shared ledger.

The advantages of this decentralized model can be seen when comparing the cost of confidence in the current economic system. Consider this: In 2007, Lehman Brothers posted record profits and revenues, all approved by its auditor, Ernst & Young. Nine months later, a fall in these same assets led the 158-year-old company into bankruptcy and triggered the biggest financial crisis in 80 years. Clearly, the evaluations cited in previous years' books were very poor. And we later learned that Lehman's ledger was not the only one containing questionable data. American and European banks have paid hundreds of billions of dollars in fines and settlements to cover losses caused by inflated balance sheets. This was a strong reminder of the high price we often pay for trusting numbers developed internally by centralized entities.

The crisis was an extreme example of the cost of trust. But we also see that this cost is rooted in most other sectors of the economy. Think of all the accountants whose firms fill the world's skyscrapers. Their work, which reconciles their company's books with those of their professional counterparts, exists because neither party has confidence in the other's background. It is a long, costly but necessary process.

The other manifestations of the cost of trust are not in what we do, but in what we cannot do. Two billion people are denied bank accounts, which keeps them away from the global economy because banks do not trust their asset and identity records. In the meantime, the Internet of Things, which is expected to contain billions of autonomous devices interacting to increase efficiency, will not be possible if gadget-to-gadget microtransactions require the intermediation of a prohibitive cost of centrally controlled ledgers. There are many other examples of how this problem limits innovation.

Economists rarely recognize or analyze these costs, perhaps because practices such as account reconciliation are supposed to be an integral and unavoidable feature of businesses (much as pre-Internet businesses assumed that they had no choice but to pay large postal expenses by mail. monthly invoices). Could this blind spot explain why some influential economists do not hesitate to reject Blockchain technology? Many say they cannot see the justification for its costs. Yet their analyses generally do not compare these costs with the social cost of trust that new models seek to overcome.

However, more and more people understand this. Since Bitcoin's quiet publication in January 2009, the number of supporters has grown considerably to include former Wall Street professionals, Silicon Valley technology specialists and experts in development and assistance from organizations such as the World Bank. Many see the rise of technology as a new vital phase in the Internet economy, a phase that is even more transformative than the first. While the first wave of online disruption saw brick and mortar companies dislodged by leaner digital intermediaries, this movement challenges the very idea of for-profit intermediaries.

The need for trust, its cost and dependence on intermediaries is one of the reasons why giants such as Google, Facebook and Amazon are transforming economies of scale and the benefits of network effects into de facto monopolies. These giants are, in fact, centralized general ledger guardians, building vast registers of "transactions" in what is probably the most important "currency" in the world: our digital data. By controlling these records, they control us.

The potential promise to overthrow this entrenched centralized system is an important factor behind the gold rush scene in the crypto token market, with its rising but also volatile prices. There is no doubt that many investors, perhaps most of them, simply hope to become rich quickly and pay little attention to the importance of technology. But manias like this, however irrational they may be, do not come out of nowhere. As with the advent of the transformative platform technologies of the past - railways, for example, or electricity - unbridled speculation is almost inevitable. Indeed, when a great new idea comes along, investors have no framework to estimate the value it will create or destroy, nor to decide which companies will win or lose.

Although major obstacles remain before block chains can fulfil the promise of a more robust system for recording and storing objective truth, these concepts have already been tested in the field.

Open and freely accessible source code is the foundation of the future decentralized economy.

Companies such as IBM and Foxconn exploit the idea of immutability in projects that seek to unlock trade finance and make supply chains more transparent. Such transparency could also give consumers better information about the sources of what they buy - if a t-shirt was made with workshop work, for example.

Another important new idea is that of a digital asset. Before Bitcoin, no one could own a digital asset. Since copying digital content is easy to make and difficult to stop, providers of digital products such as MP3 audio files or e-books never give customers ownership of the content, but rent it out and define what users can do with it in a license. with severe legal sanctions if the permit is broken. That's why you can lend your Amazon Kindle book to a friend for 14 days, but you can't sell it or give it as a gift, like a paper book.

Bitcoin has shown that an element of value can be both digital and unique. Since no one can modify the registry and "double the expenses", or duplicate a Bitcoin, it can be conceived as a "thing" or a unique asset. This means that we can now represent any form of value, for example a title deed or a musical track, as an entry in a blockchain transaction. And by digitizing different forms of value in this way, we can introduce software to manage the economy around them.

As software elements, these new digital resources can be assigned certain properties "If X, then Y". In other words, money can become programmable. For example, you can pay to rent an electric vehicle with digital tokens that are also used to activate or deactivate its engine, thus fulfilling the coded conditions of an intelligent contract. This is quite different from analog tokens such as banknotes or metal coins, which are agnostic about their use.

What makes these money contracts programmable "smart" is not that they are automated; we already have that when our bank follows our programmed instructions to automatically pay our credit card bill each month. This is because the computers performing the contract are monitored by a decentralized blockchain network. This ensures that all signatories to an intelligent contract will be executed fairly.

With this technology, a shipper's and an exporter's computers, for example, could automate a transfer of ownership of goods once the decentralized software they use both sends the signal that a payment in digital currency - or a cryptographically unbreakable payment commitment - has been made. Neither party necessarily trusts the other, but they can still make this automatic transfer without the involvement of a third party. In this way, intelligent contracts take automation to a new level, allowing a much more open and global set of relationships.

Programmable money and smart contracts are a powerful way for communities to govern themselves in the pursuit of common objectives. They even offer a potential breakthrough in the "tragedy of the municipalities", the long-standing idea that people cannot simultaneously serve their personal interests and the common good. This was evident in many of the blockchain proposals of the 100 software engineers who took part in Hack4Climate at last year's UN climate change conference in Bonn. The winning team, with a project called GainForest, is currently developing a blockchain-based system that allows donors to reward communities living in vulnerable tropical forests for their demonstrable actions to restore the environment.

Yet this utopian and friction-free "symbolic economy" is far from reality. Regulators in China, South Korea and the United States have severely repressed issuers and token traders as speculative schemes to make money quickly and avoid securities laws rather than changing new business models. They are not completely wrong: some developers have pre-sold tokens in "initial parts offers" or ICO, but have not used this money to build and market products. Public or "without permission" blockchains such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, which offer the best promises of absolute openness and immutability, are facing growth difficulties. Bitcoin still cannot process more than seven transactions per second and transaction fees can sometimes increase, making its use costly.

In the meantime, centralized institutions that should be vulnerable to disruptions, such as banks, are getting involved. They are protected by existing regulations, which are ostensibly imposed to keep them honest, but inadvertently constitute a compliance cost for startups. These regulations, such as the heavy reporting and capital requirements imposed by the "BitLicense" imposed by the New York State Department of Financial Services on crypto-currency fund transfer start-ups, become entry barriers that protect incumbents.

But here's the thing: the open-source nature of blockchain technology, its enthusiasm and the growing value of the underlying tokens have encouraged a global pool of intelligent, passionate and financially motivated computer scientists to work to overcome these limitations. It is reasonable to assume that they will constantly improve the technology. As we have seen with Internet software, such open and extensible protocols can become powerful innovation platforms. Block chain technology is evolving far too quickly for us to think that subsequent versions will not be improved compared to the present, either in the Bitcoin cryptocurrency-based protocol, in the block chain oriented on Ethereum's intelligent contracts or on a platform not yet discovered.

The cryptographic bubble, like the Internet bubble, creates the infrastructure to build the technologies of the future. But there is also a key difference. This time, the funds raised are not used to purchase physical infrastructure, but social infrastructure. It creates incentives to form global networks of collaborating developers, hive minds whose offer of interactive and iterative ideas is codified in lines of open-source software. This freely accessible code will allow the execution of countless ideas that are still unimaginable. This is the foundation on which the decentralized economy of the future will be built.

While few people in the mid-1990s were able to predict the emergence of Google, Facebook and Uber, we cannot predict which blockchain-based applications will emerge from the wreckage of this bubble to dominate the decentralized future. But that's what you get with extensible platforms. From the open protocols of the Internet to the essential components of algorithmic consensus and distributed retention of blockchain records, their power lies in creating an entirely new paradigm for innovators ready to imagine and deploy applications that change the world. In this case, these applications - whatever their form - will be aimed squarely at disrupting many of the control institutions that currently dominate our centralized economy.

jr. member
Activity: 700
Merit: 1 listed crown on the platform at launch - Welcome CRW
Activity: 27
Merit: 1
Do you know when the Rich Communication Services (RCS) protocol, also referred to as the trade name and (technically, RCS is based on the IP protocol) will be integrated into the new CROWN wallets?
hero member
Activity: 808
Merit: 500

Crown is now listed on CREX24

Crex24 is a medium size exchange focusing on masternode coins

check out the new CRW-BTC pair. This gave Crown another exchange leg after Bittrex, Upbit, Cryptobridge and Litebit for CRW / EUR pair
Activity: 59
Merit: 0
CROWN Development update July 2019

I copy past ✓

Development update July 2019
Slow is smooth. Smooth is fast.

Another month has flown by; it’ll be Christmas before you know it! In that time there have been some notable achievements on the Crown development fronts.
Artem released technical documentation on the NFT framework on 20 June and v0.13.9 in testnet the next day. This is alpha software designed to foster collaborative development. There is enough functionality for developers to start developing applications and to identify problems, friction points and desirable changes or enhancements. Artem already has a list of next steps including NFT registration and trading but has spent most of the last couple of weeks working on the sandbox environment and a database corruption problem.
Crown contributor Andy D (defunctec) is working on a simple NFT generator addition to the site to facilitate end-user experimentation. It will probably be available within the next few days and will allow less-technical users to create and experiment with NFTs without having to venture too close to a command line.
If you’d like to be more directly involved in testing and need any help getting started, please contact us in Discord.
Codebase update
Ashot has been ploughing through the thousands of commits which differentiate Bitcoin from Crown and carefully merging the two codebases together. He has also been working on the build environment. He has compiled all of the Bitcoin v0.17 depends but the main code compile is currently failing with Boost errors. This is very much a marathon rather than a sprint and it will be many more months before it is complete.
Most altcoins forked from Dash or PIVX or Bitcoin are forked from very old versions and very few are still under active development. Crown is here for the long term and we recognise the need to plan for the future by upgrading the existing codebase to something much more modern. This will bring security, speed and stability improvements, and allow for easier maintenance in the future.
We are still waiting for Satoshi Labs to release the next Trezor wallet firmware upgrade. They don’t have a published timetable for doing so, but based on past update frequency we think it could well happen this month.
Additional development
We currently have only two full-time developers, but we have more development ideas than they can possibly achieve (in a reasonable timescale) on their own. We had a conference call today with Tom (press tab), the external developer of our class-leading MNPoS staking system regarding improvements to the Crown decentralised governance system. A couple of the key changes we would like to implement are on-chain voting and systemnode voting.
The current governance system is based on the early Dash governance system and is a fragile and temperamental beast. Our developers have already spent a lot of time working on stabilising and improving it. Much of the groundwork for on-chain voting has already been done, but was set aside in favour of higher priority work. We think that groundwork could be adapted to use the NFT framework to provide on-chain voting and systemnode voting at the same time.
Tom has agreed to review the not-yet activated code changes with a view to submitting a proposal for superblock payment to gradually build out the new functionality we would like to have, starting with on-chain and systemnode voting. Before even seeing the code he was able to give us (very rough) guestimates for the development effort/time required for several Crown platform enhancements.

Not prioritised possible platform enhancements
Hopefully, following the review, he will be able to leverage the existing work done by Volodymyr and Artem and submit a proposal for 5k CRW per superblock, to be matched by community contributions. At this level of funding, and with the current CRW/BTC price, an 8-point estimate task could be paid for in about 2–3 months.
This level of funding is a drop in the ocean for many newer, ICO-funded, all fluff and no substance projects. It represents a much more significant commitment for an older, honest, hard-working project like Crown. We will be counting on the continued support of the Crown whales to make these platform enhancements possible.
There is a chance the first proposal will be ready in time for the next superblock (block 2462400, expected around 18th July 2019).
Would you like to know more?
There are bi-weekly development update calls which all community members are welcome to participate in. Details are available in the #development contributor channel in Discord.
Questions, comments and suggestions are always welcome. Crown is a community project and the more engagement we have, the stronger our kingdom is.

Can you ask your friends to reload?

Activity: 59
Merit: 0
Activity: 497
Merit: 24
Activity: 497
Merit: 24

all i hear is

clearly u cant read just like u cant write :_)>> if u did read my posts u will see ALOt of the stuff i get kicked in the nuts by the so called CRW crew they implement months later.

ACP devs used to be my BCT voice to CRW and ACP helped test the mn system ( and then he turned into thief like crw devs, after getting pissed i didnt dumped on crw market due to my thoughts on the node vote system and the help he gave then crw devs kick him da nuts aswel, so he stole coins and dumped em that for himself ( lucky was only mn wallet not REAL main wallet. )

Im a pro crypto adviser, u have to listen the constructive pro advice or dont and die by node vote scam system...

I seen u didnt put that into into the life of CRW even tho mis do lil admit there was mostly coin grab and no work done... which i told em the governance on the node vote system was flawed and needed fixing ( and still not fixed ), ask urself how many crw gets given out in vote system and how much return for those proposal have actually helped or actually even done the work. If the system wasnt flawed crw would still be around 10-15ksat.. u cant expect to setup a cyrpo rape system around old guard of crypto that been mods of exchanges and expect them not to see flaws that need fixing..

Ps reply to ur other post... Biuld.. I bloody built CRW and got raped and kicked the nuts once i did.... maybe 1 day a ul help a unknown coin grow for yeas in mutli ways to moon and then get kicked in balls and no repsect just lies showin back...maybe when u invest years into a project and alot of BTC/crw in promo/trading/mining/advice, ul know were im coming from...till then Shh and dont act like u know more than i do about CRW life just cuz u type fake news post about it. ( the life of coin is good idea and u should build on it but make sure u got ALL the facts before u do, otherwise just fakish news :_)>

See like ive said to other CRW nubcake fanboys, if the devs told u whom i am U wouldnt be in this spot now would ya...

Stonehenge logo on BTC account is decentralize everything and is why u dont see him post here no more due to CRW is NOT decentralized anymore ( its was in old specs, def not in new. )

Da Ja
Stabycroc ;_)>

Activity: 30
Merit: 0
Since your experience seems relevant. Perhaps it is best to build with them!?  
Activity: 497
Merit: 24
Quote from: Stabycroc
Fake news ....

i notice in your timeline that you are active on this post only to denigrate and criticize CRW. Indulge yourself and spend your time on something else. If you don't like CROWN.... Turn the page and let the project move forward peacefully.

Understand : Build or get out 😀

See more fake news u spew, wat u getting mn vote for fake new post?
clearly u DONt know whome i am and what i done for CRW, otherwise u wouldnt talk total crap to me kid..
hence why i know for FACTs that u post was mostly fake new as 1/2 the story isnt there...
any journo would get all sides of the story before they print as FACTs .. which clearly u didnt KID.
But a pay to play journo would type fake new to get paid da $$...

i helped Biult Crw to 60k CRW wtf have u done? u just another leech like the devs..
Ps i was main bag holder of crw till  they threw brought in there scam mn vote system that just rapped crw price.... ( yes great orchide u was right about there mn vote scam system all that time ago )

devs didnt mine and move the chain i DID..  Roll Eyes
Devs didnt promo, i DID  Roll Eyes
Devs didnt big named players into CRW , I DID..  Roll Eyes
Devs didnt work with exchange staff to fix crw issues, when it was crw only exchange... I and another did..  Roll Eyes
Devs didnt protect crw from FUD and shilling.. I DID  Roll Eyes
Devs didnt hold any CRW so they made superblocks to ride of other people work and mining/trading..  Roll Eyes
Dev didnt give away over 40000 crw out of back pocket that they mined or bought, to get people trading and crw vols moving and shacking... I DID kid...  Roll Eyes
Devs didnt name MS-POS they was trying to name POS ( which POS means ALL holders not just node holders get a interest rate on there coins.. )... I DID to save them from future legal issues..

Only devs that really done anything in the light and he wasnt really a dev was INFERNAL...  Kiss Kiss sure crw devs code but most of it is copy/paste from github..

There the FACTS....but if u wasnt a 1 sided pay to play jorno u would known this as u said u read all my post...  Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

Da Ja
Stabycroc ;_)>

Activity: 30
Merit: 0
Quote from: Stabycroc
Fake news ....

i notice in your timeline that you are active on this post only to denigrate and criticize CRW. Indulge yourself and spend your time on something else. If you don't like CROWN.... Turn the page and let the project move forward peacefully.

Understand : Build or get out 😀
Activity: 497
Merit: 24
The Crown Platform Chronicles — PART II: Years 2016 and 2017 — The rise of the Star

The second part of the chronicles looks back in time to two decisive years in Crown history: implementation of Masternodes model in 2016 and strong community growth after the listing to Bittrex in early 2017.

Fake news with 1/2 the story not there lol

Activity: 30
Merit: 0
Activity: 365
Merit: 11
The Crown Platform Chronicles — PART II: Years 2016 and 2017 — The rise of the Star

The second part of the chronicles looks back in time to two decisive years in Crown history: implementation of Masternodes model in 2016 and strong community growth after the listing to Bittrex in early 2017.
Activity: 497
Merit: 24
"In Crown nobody will do it for you, there is no CEO, no team, just the code kept by contributors and the DAO"

Hmm so who does the superblocks go to  Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Cheesy
lil mis do lil, clearly not trained in legal/moral matters within crypto. like talking to old new holders or people looking to invest.

Its clear to any old guards ur just slowly bleeding crw price down threw Mn ponzi. ( from crw price 90k sat to 700sat clap clap )
Most devs try to make specs to make a coin grow in statue and price, not the other way around. 

devs dont even show total amount premined ( superblocks ) and total amounts for proposals paid out.
u know why there not showing it? work it out, its not rocket science  Cool

there alot of BLAH BLAH BLAH Superblock Blah BLah blah fake mn proposal snatch's and thats about it...

no real innovation or trying to limit supply to inc price/holders just copy/paste from other devs and real bad customer/holder relations.
Activity: 300
Merit: 12
I did not see or hear announcement from CROWN team about potential listing on Binance, so I wait for answer of the team too. I simply think that if the Crown coin can be listed on Binance, it will create big effects on CROWN on exchanges. Days ago, Dogecoin rose more than 40 percent after listed on Binance. Just within a few minutes after been actively trading on Binance, it rose from 27 satoshis to above 40 satoshis. That's cool instant effects.
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