i can start one with"throne start-many".. but after some hours it will stop operating without any comment.
i then have to restart it manually..
and everytime i send one command, i have to type in walletpassphrase again ( although it should be unlocked for some days according to "unlocked_until" )
"error: {"code":-1,"message":"Your wallet is locked, passphrase is required\n"}"
furthermore there is a funny error message for "throne start"
"not capable throne: Invalid port: 9999 - only 9999 is supported on mainnet."
the only masternode which i see continously working is:
"" : "ENABLED",
my own node is sometimes listed as
so what can i do? it seems that 40% of ALL blocks goes to that single masternode..
"version" : 90200,
"protocolversion" : 70020,
"walletversion" : 60000,
I've just had a browse through the block explorer and can see at least 30 Thrones getting paid (gave up looking at that point). has been up for about 1 day. The average longevity of live thrones at the moment is about 18 days since starting.
I have no idea why you are seeing different information. Are you happy to share the IP of your Throne that you are having problems with?